Question : National Nutrition Mission

(a) whether all the States have approved implementation of Poshan Abhiyaan in their respective States and if so, the details thereof along with the target set under the Scheme;
(b) the details of funds allocated/sanctioned and utilised under the said scheme during the last three years, State/UT-wise including West Bengal;
(c) whether the Government has taken effective measures to mitigate the problem of stunting among children and if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether some States have opted to stay out of the Poshan Abhiyaan (National Nutrition Mission) and instead implementing similar schemes and if so, the details thereof; and
(e) the number of States that have started implementing the said scheme along with the names of States that are lagging behind in implementation to meet the goals set for them under Poshan Abhiyaan?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (e) All the States/UTs except West Bengal have started implementation of the POSHAN Abhiyaan. Government is implementing POSHAN Abhiyaan (earlier known as National Nutrition Mission) since 18th December 2017 to address the problem of malnutrition in the country including stunting. The goals of POSHAN Abhiyaan are to achieve improvement in nutritional status of Children from 0-6 years, Adolescent Girls, Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers in a time bound manner during the three years with fixed targets as under:

S.No Objective Target
1. Prevent and reduce Stunting in children (0- 6 years) By 6% @ 2% p.a.
2. Prevent and reduce under-nutrition (underweight prevalence) in children (0-6 years) By 6% @ 2% p.a.
3. Reduce the prevalence of anemia among young Children(6-59 months) By 9% @ 3% p.a.
4. Reduce the prevalence of anemia among Women and Adolescent Girls in the age group of 15-49 years. By 9% @ 3% p.a.
5. Reduce Low Birth Weight (LBW). By 6% @ 2% p.a.

State-wise statement of funds released and utilisation under POSHAN Abhiyaan including West Bengal as on 31.12.2019 is at Annexure-I.

West Bengal is yet to implement POSHAN Abhiyaan.



Statement referred in reply to part (b) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.4461 for 20.03.2020

State-wise statement of funds released and utilisation under POSHAN Abhiyaan (as on 31.12.2019)
(Amount in ? in lakh)
S. No. State/UTs Released in FY
2017 – 18
Unspent balance of ISSNIP Released in FY
2018-19 Released in FY
2019-20 Total Released Total Central fund Utilization as on 31.12.2019
1 Andhra Pradesh 2,572.41 8,604.68 5,582.52 16,759.61 8,677.99
2 Bihar 7,063.44 15,001.67 10,000.00 32,065.11 18,373.30
3 Chhattisgarh 1,668.12 9,629.51 0.00 11,297.63 3,096.26
4 Delhi 945.95 2,206.88 0.00 3,152.83 1,254.14
5 Goa 238.07 197.78 0.00 435.85 101.68
6 Gujarat 3,036.66 11,228.04 7,531.00 21,795.7 11222.25
7 Haryana 400.97 5,992.46 0.00 6,393.43 2,696.94
8 Himachal Pradesh 1,557.26 4,153.15 2,480.00 8,190.41 4,966.17
9* Jammu & Kashmir 388.59 8,343.52 0.00 8,732.11 2188.33
10 Jharkhand 2,429.59 5,110.45 0.00 7,540.04 2,065.05
11 Karnataka 3,351.05 9,870.89 0.00 13,221.94 420.68
12 Kerala 1,273.37 6,491.91 0.00 7,765.28 2455.31
13 Madhya Pradesh 4,067.20 15,894.17 17,883.00 37,844.37 12,404.30
14 Maharashtra 2,572.31 20,989.28 33,061.47 56,623.06 23,602.32
15 Odisha 4,600.46 10,571.65 0.00 15,172.11 0.00
16 Puducherry 39.24 393.70 497.00 929.94 224.71
17 Punjab 819.51 6,090.33 0.00 6,909.84 306.50
18 Rajasthan 4,216.26 9,680.99 0.00 13,897.25 6,315.69
19 Tamil Nadu 1,340.51 12,210.93 0.00 13,551.44 10464.20
20 Telangana 1,736.94 8,595.70 7,003.00 17,335.64 4,579.10
21 Uttar Pradesh 8,440.60 29,582.87 0.00 38,023.47 17132.35
22 Uttarakhand 1,866.25 4,301.57 3,696.00 9,863.82 3,768.19
23 West Bengal 5,545.27 19,294.11 0.00 24,839.38 0.00
24 Arunachal Pradesh 52.93 2,663.35 0.00 2,716.28 0.00
25 Assam 2,298.27 15,492.36 14,171.00 31,961.63 11,591.74
26 Manipur 340.46 3,865.37 0.00 4,205.83 1,233.24

S. No. State/UTs Released in FY
2017 – 18
Unspent balance of ISSNIP Released in FY
2018-19 Released in FY
2019-20 Total Released Total Central fund Utilization as on 31.12.2019
27 Meghalaya 462.98 1,713.27 1,706.80 3,883.05 2,144.45
28 Mizoram 119.38 957.65 902.00 1,979.03 1,461.47
29 Nagaland 163.74 1,251.97 1,445.17 2,860.88 1,561.92
30 Sikkim 98.59 328.47 544.00 971.06 436.75
31 Tripura 277.91 3,695.72 0.00 3,973.63 810.75
32 Andaman & Nicobar 100.22 416.89 307.62 824.73 224.49
33 Chandigarh 158.88 306.82 526.97 992.67 257.68
34 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 108.83 129.32 681.16* 919.31 805.14
Daman & Diu # 42.06 197.66 446.98 686.70 197.66
35 Ladakh - - - - -
36 Lakshadweep 60.00 138.90 126.75 325.65 198.90
TOTAL 64,454.28 2,55,593.98 1,08,592.44 4,28,640.71 1,57,239.65
* Jammu and Kashmir figures include Ladakh UT.
# Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu now merged

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