(a) the details of ongoing projects which are underway in the country and particularly in Tamil Nadu;

(b) the details of projects which have not been completed resulting in cost escalation, State-wise;

(c) the reasons therefor; and

(d) the steps taken by the Union Government to speed up the projects to avoid cost escalation?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Details are given at Annexure-I including that of Tamil Nadu.

(b) & (c) Details are given at Annexure-II.

(d) The following steps have been taken by the Union Government to speed up the execution of the projects:-

(i) The Ministry has introduced Direct Payment Procedure to expedite the payment system for timely completion of projects.

(ii) Ministry insists on Schedule of Rates being updated regularly.

(iii) The progress of projects is being closely monitored.

(iv) The works sanctioned by the Ministry are de-sanctioned if the work is not started within the stipulated time.



Sl.No.	Name of State	Number of ongoing projects	Sanctioned cost (Rs in Crores)
1 Andhra Pradesh 50 118.18 2 Arunachal Pradesh 3 7.5 3 Assam 50 165.41 4 Bihar 75 175.82 5 Chandigarh 2 5.40 6 Chhattisgarh 35 76.71 7 Delhi 4 16.52 8 Goa 9 38.26 9 Gujarat 23 113.50 10 Haryana 25 133.59 11 Himachal Pradesh 51 149.60 12 Jammu & Kashmir 7 7.06 13 Jharkhand 29 70.62 14 Karnataka 53 72.00 15 Kerala 57 99.65 16 Madhya Pradesh 54 125.80 17 Maharashtra 125 251.20 18 Manipur 28 60.99 19 Meghalaya 32 97.48 20 Mizoram 19 69.39 21 Nagaland 15 30.69 22 Orissa 63 140.65 23 Pondicherry 5 5.81 24 Punjab 29 73.37 25 Rajasthan 70 13.70 26 Tamil Nadu 4 123.05 27 Uttaranchal 11 36.00 28 Uttar Pradesh 69 342.15 29 West Bengal 41 329.03 30 National Highways Authority of India 121 25,998.00 31 Border Road Organisation 114 832.92

 Job No. and
Sl.No.	Name of State	Name of work	NH No.	dt.of sanction	Target date of completion	Present status	Reasons for non completion of work

1 Andhra Pradesh NIL
2 Arunachal Pr NIL
3 Assam NIL 4 Bihar NIL
5 Chandigarh NIL
6 Chhattisgarh NIL
7 Delhi NIL

8 Goa 1. Construction 17 017-GO- 99043 Revised target date has Revised estimate with change in Ministry sanctioned this work for and its approaches in view of the reason scope of work along with closing Rs. 259.6 lakhs. The sanctioned at km.85/350 of NH 17 furnished in the last column. the job is under scrutiny scope of work was to construct 180 meter long vent with 52 number of 1200 MM dia. Hume Pipes with spacing of 3 m c/c including 1350 m approaches on either side. 85% works consisting of laying of 18 rows of Hume Pipes including approaches have been completed. The work however, could not be executed further as the local people apprehending flooding have demanded construction of bridge of 90m length instead of pipe culvert. The PWD had been directed earlier to complete the work as per sanction since the same is considered as appropriate. The State PWD however, has pleaded that local people are not permitting the execution of work and they have therefore requested for closing the work on as completed basis. The alternative proposals of work closing have been received with Regional Office’s comments on 3.3.2003
2. Improvement of 4A 04A-GO- 99046 Revised target date has been Land slide has taken place. Different The improvement of geometric in a length geometrics and dt.4.8.99 fixed as June 2003 in view of alternatives have been received from of 3.4 km has been sanctioned by the widening between the reason furnished in the the State PWD on 3.3.03 and are under Ministry. The work except in a length km.133/60 of NH-17 last column scrutiny. of 700m is complete. In a length of 700m during digging the earth for regrading the alignment a buried water main was located and to give clearance of 5.5m as is prescribed, the existing ground had to be dug deeper. This lead to a land slide which has delayed the progress of work. Improvement works now require land acquisition, filling of trench, slope treatment etc. The Ministry has suggested various alternatives The revised proposals have been received on 3.3.03.

9 Gujarat NIL

10 Haryana NIL

11 Himachal Pr. Raising Anchor Ropes 20 020-HP-950224AA 7/2002 Physical Progress 95% Due to delay in forest clearance. of suspension bridge dt.8-3-95 of Mandi town & other allied works on NH-20

12 Jammu & Kashmir NIL
13 Jharkhand NIL
14 Karnataka NIL
15 Kerala 1. Construction of 47 047 KL 960533 June, 99 Construction work resumed on During construction of foundation of Rail Over combined bypass for dt.29.03.96 January 2003. Physical progress Bridge, poor soil strata was encountered which Trivandrum Neyyatt- is 80%. Likely to be completed required soil stabilization by way of removing inkara (Phase I constr- by Sept.2003 top 1.5 meter unstable soil and also required uction) and Chakkai ROB provisions of vertical sand drains and stage construction of embankment. Design of Rail Over Bridge had to be modified due to poor soil condition.
2.Strengthening in 47 047 KL 97539 April, 2000 Strengthening completed. Work of Due to site problem, sanction of revised estimate km.482-489 dt.21.03.97 paved shoulder is yet to be done. is required. Revised estimate has not been Revised Estimate is to be submitted received from the State PWD. by State PWD.
3.Strengthening in 47 047 KL 97540 June 99 Strengthening completed. Work of Due to slow progress by the contractor km.387/300-390/570 dt.27.08.97 paved shoulder is yet to be done. 1st contract terminated and 2nd agency fixed.
16 Madhya Pradesh NIL
17 Maharashtra NIL

18 Manipur NIL
19 Meghalaya Widening to two lane 51 051-MG-97096/19/3/98 21-10-01 Work in progress. Physical progress Insurgency problems and delay in handing over land. and strengthening from dt 30-3-98 49% Km.64 to km.85 Excluding Km.77-79 and Km.8-85

20 Mizoram NIL

21 Nagaland NIL

22 Orissa 1. Construction of 23 023-OR-98-157 26-10-01 Work in progress physical progress 90% Due to delayed land acquisition, part of work HL bridge on Neta dt. 29-12-98 was held up and there was cost escalation on Nallah at Km.74+208 this account. of NH 23 2. Construction of 6 006-OR-99-174 07-03-01 Work in progress physical progress 60% The compensation for land acquired has been Minor Bridge over dt 31-3-1999 given to the affected people as per the Bisoi nallah at awards passed by the Revenue Department. Km.244/(3-6) of NH-6 But the affected people are not satisfied, they are demanding higher compensation and are not allowing the work to progress. The District Collector and the S.P. have been apprised of the situation and both have agreed to give protection for resuming the work.
23 Pondicherry NIL

24 Punjab 1. Construction of Gurdaspur- Bypass on NH-15 15 015-PB-92-092 3/97 Physical Progress 98% Road work is complete except railway crossing dt.18.5.91 for which Railway has revised the claim from Rs.7 lakhs to Rs.107.96 lakhs. Matter being perused with Railways.
25 Rajasthan NIL

26 Tamil Nadu NIL
27 Uttaranchal NIL

28 Uttar Pradesh 1.Construction of 19 19-UP-1999-252 06/2003 Work in progress physical progress 85% Law and order situation delayed the work high level bridge over dt.18-05-99 river Ghaghra at Manjighat including approaches and guide bund 2. Shifting of utility 24 & 28 24 & 28-UP-2001-291 03/2003 Work in progress physical progress 92% Due to delayed response of the Utility service i.e.electricity dt.19-6-01 Departments and State Forest Department. transmission lines/ electric poles & cutting of trees along with compensatory afforestation for widening of existing segment joining NH-24 & NH 28 (East-West Corridor) to four lanes of proposed Lucknow bypass
3. Construction of 26 26-UP-90-175 05/2003 Work in progress physical progress 95% Work is likely to be completed by the Lalitpur Bypass dt.20-9-1990 revised target date of completion. from km.87.139-94.120

29 West Bengal 1. Construction of HL 31 031-WB-88-04 Construction of Torsa bridge Work in progress Physical progress 86% Ministry had written to State Govt of West Bridge over River dt 10-11-88 was awarded to Macintosh Burn Bengal in January, 2002 to complete the balance Torsa and its approaches Ltd. In April, 1992 and was work at their own cost as the time and cost to be completed by April,1995. overruns necessitating revision of sanctioned The work was rescined and re- cost had been caused due to ineffective awarded to M/s. NPCC Ltd. In administration of contract by State Govt. September, 1999 with a new In response to this, the State Government had target date of completion of shown its inability to bear the cost of February, 2001. However, the balance work. Subsequently, Ministry work has not been completed considered the option to get the work done by M/s. NPCC also by the present agency M/s. NPCC who wanted and is standstill. relaxations like deferring recovery of mobilization advance, granting secured advance on the materials, extension of time etc., which were not acceptable. As the work was originally sanctioned with the approval of Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC), the revision of sanctioned cost needs to be considered by EFC. The EFC note was requested from State PW(R)D which has not yet been received despite reminders including a D.O letter at Secretary level on 14-1-2003.
2. Land Acquisition 2 002-WB-98-130 30-4-02 Work in progress Physical progress 70% Change in the type of land from Govt. land for Vivekananda dt 31-8-98 to Pvt. Land and increase in rates and areas Bridge and shifting for the structure acquisition have led to of utilities cost overrun.

30 National Highways Authority of India NIL

31 Border Road Organisation NIL