(a) the number of cancer hospitals, diagnostic centres and research institute in the country, State/UT-wise;
(b) whether the Government has upgraded/proposes to upgrade the status and infrastructure of certain cancer hospitals, diagnostic centres and research institutes including the Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram in the country;
(c) if so, the details of the proposals received in this regard and the action taken/proposed to be taken by the Governmentthereon during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise;
(d) the steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government to set up new cancer hospitals, diagnostic centres and research institutes in the country to cater to the needs of the rising number of cancer patients in the country, State/UT-wise; and
(e) the measures taken/proposed to be taken by the Government to release a specific component of the budget to Regional Cancer Centres for palliative care and make it a part of medical education?