the total number of families living below poverty line in the country as on date, State-wise ?

Answer given by the minister


The Planning Commission estimates the incidence of poverty at national and state level from the large sample survey on household consumer expenditure conducted by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) at an interval of approximately five years. The latest available data from such survey is from NSS 55th Round, which was conducted in 1999-2000. However, the Planning Commission estimates the total number of persons, not families, living below the poverty line in the country i.e. it estimates poverty on individual basis. The State-wise number of persons living below the poverty line using data from the above quinquennial round of National Sample survey Organization is given in the Annexure.


Number of Persons Living Below Poverty Line in 1999-2000 (in lakhs)

S.No.	States/U.T.`s	Rural	Urban	Combined
1 2 3 4 5
1. Andhra Pradesh 58.13 60.88 119.01 2. Arunachal Pradesh 3.80 0.18 3.98 3. Assam 92.17 2.38 94.55 4. Bihar 376.51 49.13 425.64 5. Goa 0.11 0.59 0.70 6. Gujarat 39.80 28.09 67.89 7. Haryana 11.94 5.39 17.34 8. Himachal Pradesh 4.84 0.29 5.12 9. Jammu & Kashmir 2.97 0.49 3.46 10. Karnataka 59.91 44.49 104.40 11. Kerala 20.97 20.07 41.04 12. Madhya Pradesh 217.32 81.22 298.54 13. Maharashtra 125.12 102.87 227.99 14. Manipur 6.53 0.66 7.19 15. Meghalaya 7.89 0.34 8.23 16. Mizoram 1.40 0.45 1.85 17. Nagaland 5.21 0.28 5.49 18. Orissa 143.69 25.40 169.09 19. Punjab 10.20 4.29 14.49 20. Rajasthan 55.06 26.78 81.83 21. Sikkim 2.00 0.04 2.05 22. Tamil Nadu 80.51 49.97 130.48 23. Tripura 12.53 0.49 13.02 24. Uttar Pradesh 412.01 117.88 529.89 25. West Bengal 180.11 33.38 213.49 26. A & N Island 0.58 0.24 0.82 27. Chandigarh 0.06 0.45 0.51 28. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0.30 0.03 0.33 29. Daman & Diu 0.01 0.05 0.06 30. Delhi 0.07 11.42 11.49 31. Lakshadweep 0.03 0.08 0.11 32. Pondicherry 0.64 1.77 2.41 All India 1932.43 670.07 2602.50