Question : Financial Assistance to NGOs

(a) the names of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) given financial assistance and the quantum of financial assistance given to them for extending assistance to physically handicapped in purchasing aids and equipments during the last three years, State-wise;

(b) whether the government verifies the items on which expenditure is incurred from the fund given to them and if so, the procedure followed in this regard;

(c) the Names of NGOs who have not utilised the funds provided to them during the last three years along with the details of the action taken against them and outcome thereof, NGO-wise; and

(d) the reaction of the Government on the said outcome?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment


(a) State-wise names of Non-Governmental Organisations who got Grants- in- aid under Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/ Fitting of Aids and Appliances (ADIP) Scheme during last three years is at Annexure.

(b) Under the ADIP Scheme, NGOs have to furnish audited utilization certificate and audited accounts by a Chartered Accountant in respect of grants-in-aid received, which is mandatory. The recommending authority is also required to conduct the sample checking and cover at least 15% (in case of GIA upto 10 lakhs) and 10% (in case of GIA exceeding Rs. 10 lakhs) of the beneficiaries covered from the grant released to the organization. NGOs are further required to furnish to the Ministry the list of beneficiaries in the prescribed proforma containing particulars/ address of beneficiaries, aid and assistive devices provided alongwith cost including fabrication/ fitment charges, travel cost paid to out-station beneficiary, boarding and lodging expenses alongwith photo and Ration Card Number/voter ID Number/Aadhaar Card Number, as the case may be. Details of grants received, utilised and list of beneficiaries are required to be uploaded on the website of the Implementing Agency except the Aadhaar Card Number of the beneficiaries. The proposals of NGOs are processed on-line on e-ANUDAAN portal only.

(c) All the NGOs who were provided grants-in-aid during 2015-16 and 2016-17 have utilised the funds and furnished all the requisite documents regarding utilisation of funds.

As regards the grants-in-aid released during 2017-18, as per provision under the ADIP Scheme, the Implementing Agencies have to utilise the grants-in-aid within six months of the close of the financial year.

(c) In light of (c) above, question does not arise.


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