Question : Crisis in Jute Industry

(a) whether the Government is aware of crisis in Jute Industry including closure of Jute Mills, loss of jobs, intense competition and cheap imports from Bangladesh;

(b) if so, the total quantity and value of jute/jute products produced and imported/exported during the last three years, product/country-wise;

(c) whether the Government has received any representations from some jute mill owners requesting intervention in the matter;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the other steps being taken by the Government for welfare of jute workers and development of Jute Industry in West Bengal;

(e) the details of schemes being implemented by the Government to increase the production and export of jute;

(f) the steps taken by the Government to resolve the problems of jute producers in the country; and

(g) the details of jute mills modernised by the Government during the said period, mill and State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): There is no report of crisis in jute industry including closure of jute mills, loss of jobs, intense competition and cheap imports from Bangladesh. In-fact, during the last two years 10 jute twine mills have re-opened in Andhra Pradesh benefitting 20,000 workmen directly and indirectly. With a view to protect domestic jute industry, anti- dumping duty on import of jute goods from Bangladesh and Nepal has been imposed w.e.f. 5th January, 2017. The details of jute/jute products produced and imported/exported during the last three years is at Annexure-A.
(d) to (f): Government of India is implementing various schemes for welfare of jute workers, improving productivity and quality of jute and overall development of jute industry in jute growing states. The details of various schemes implemented for upliftment of jute sector are at Annexure-B.

(g): National Jute Board (NJB) is implementing the Incentive scheme for Acquisition of Plants and Machinery (ISAPM) for modernization in Jute mills & JDP units. During 2014-15 to 2018-19, NJB has released capital subsidy amounting to Rs. 4971.19 lakhs to jute mills and JDP units.

Year 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19*
(Rs. In lakhs) 362.18 355.57 1739.21 1427.23 1087.00
No. of Mills / unit 18 22 39 52 27

Details of jute mills those who participated under this scheme and availed assistance are given at Annexure C.

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