Question : Curtailing of Stoppages of Trains

(a) whether the Government proposes to cut short the stoppages of various express trains running across India;
(b) if so, the details thereof in respect of each such train;
(c) whether the Government has discussed the above matter with the State Governments to solicit their views and if so, the response in this regard;
(d) whether the Government has also conducted any study in this regard; and
(e) if so, the details and outcome thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e) Rationalisation of time table is an ongoing process on Indian Railways (IR) and to this end, IR has embarked upon the zero based time tabling initiative, which, inter-alia, includes scheduling of trains based on scientific principles, ensuring adequate corridor blocks for maintenance, increasing throughput by providing freight corridors, improving punctuality, improving utilization of Rolling Stock and providing convenient and efficient services to the passengers. The initiative, inter-alia, includes rationalization of stoppages and trains taking into account the demand, utility for the passengers and commercial viability. To contain the spread of COVID-19 Pandemic, Indian Railways have discontinued all regular time tabled passenger carrying trains w.e.f. 23rd March, 2020. At present, only special trains, with limited stoppages, are being operated by Indian Railways, keeping in view the concerns and suggestions of the State Governments.

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