(a) the names of various companies/ transporters to which the work of transportation of coal in South Eastern Coalfields Limited has been assigned;

(b) the monthly quantum of coal in tonnes being transported from this Coalfield;

(c) whether complaints have been received regarding irregularities in transportation of coal from this Coalfield?

(d) if so, the details thereof;

(e) whether any enquiry has been conducted against the officers found guilty in such complaints;

(f) if so, the details thereof; and

(g) the State-wise details of action taken by the Government to make transportation of coal easy?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The names of various companies/transporters to which the work of transportation of coal in South Eastern Coalfields Limited during 1.4.2010 to 31.7.2011 were assigned, is given at Annexure-I.

(b): The monthly quantum of coal being transported by road is approximately 37.178 lakh tonnes

(c) &(d): The details of complaints received by South Eastern Coalfields Limited regarding alleged irregularities in transportation of coal from this coalfield are as under:

S.No.	Brief details of	Complaint Reference Number	Status of the complaint	the complaint
1. Irregularities by 006/COL/087/61252 dated Report sent to CVC Ex-servicemen 16.3.2007 forwarded by agencies Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) 2. Irregularities by 007/COL/042-56380 dated Reply sent vide No.1309 Aryan Coal 15.5.2007 forwarded by dated 24.8.2007 Beneficiation Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) 3 Pilferage of coal in 54012/3/2007-Vig dated The remedial action as South Eastern 1.6.2007 forwarded suggested has been taken Coalfields Ltd (SECL) by MOC and Action Taken Report and manipulation by submitted by SECL existing transport companies 4 Irregularities in coal 65193 dated 16.8.2007 Report sent to CVC transportation etc. forwarded by CVC vide Number 0269 dated 24.8.2007 5 Irregularities by 007/COL/090-54814 dated Report sent to CVC vide E-servicemen Agencies, 9.8.2007 forwarded by CVC No.0269 dated 6.2.2009. smuggling of coal etc. 6 Irregularities by coal No.DPJBL2005/CA0092007A Closed with approval of transportation by 339 and 363/633 dated CVO on 27.3.2008 Ex-servicemen agencies 29.9.2007 forwarded by in Gevra Area. SP,CBI,Jabalpur 7 Theft of coal etc. 13029/10/2007-Satarkata Report closed on the advice of in Chhal dated 26.10.2007 forwarded Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) by MOC vide O.M. dated 7.8.2009 8 Irregularities CBI,Jabalpur registered CBI Jabalpur vide their relating to coal a case vide PE0092008A001 letter F.No. DPJBL2010/Mis.crime/802 transportation by dated 23.2.2010 intimated ex-servicemen that the case has been closed. company

(e): Coal India Limited has reported that no officer was found guilty.

(f) & (g): Does not arise, in view of reply given to part (e) of the question.