Question : Gender Neutrality in SCM

(a) the details of steps being undertaken as part of the Smart Cities Mission (SCM) to ensure that Indian cities are more gender friendly and non-discriminatory;

(b) the details of the various smart city sub-committees that have been set up, including the one of gender;

(c) the details of identified projects that have been completed as on date; and

(d) the details of funds released by the Union Government, and funds utilized by each project since the introduction of the SCM?

Answer given by the minister



(a) The Government of India (GoI) launched Smart Cities Mission (SCM) on 25th June 2015 for developing 100 cities as Smart Cities. Inclusiveness is built into SCM to ensure that all citizens, including women and children, benefit from the urban transformation taking place in the Smart Cities. The different projects being implemented by Smart Cities will provide more liveable and safer conditions to all sections of the society including the vulnerable and homeless, elderly, women, children and people with disabilities.

(b) The implementation of SCM at the city level is done by a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) created for the purpose. The SPVs plan, appraise, approve, implement, manage, operate, monitor and evaluate their Smart City projects. These SPVs are jointly owned by respective State Governments/Union Territories & Urban Local Bodies and are Board-run entities registered under the Companies Act, 2013. These SPVs constitute various Committees/Sub-Committees as per Statutory requirements and with the approval of the Board of Directors of the respective SPVs.

(c) As on 28th February, 2020, out of 5,151 projects worth Rs. 2,05,018 crore proposed by the Smart Cities under SCM, more than 4,500 projects worth Rs.1,63,844 crore have been tendered of which more than 3,600 projects worth Rs. 1,22,123 crore have been grounded and 1,587 projects worth Rs. 25,926 crore have been completed.

(d) Since the launch of the Mission, GoI has released Rs.18,810.10 crore to States/Union Territories under SCM out of which the Smart Cities have already utilized Rs. 10,748.41 crore.


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