(a) The value of export and import of coconut and its products, coir and coir manufactures in the last three years and current year is as follows:
Export(Value in US$ Million) Import(Value in US$ Million) Com 2011- 2012- 2013- 2014- 2011- 2012- 2013- 2014- modity 2012 2013 2014 2015 2012 2013 2014 2015 (Apr-Dec) P (Apr-Dec) P Coconut 77.2 68.2 76.91 76.27 15.73 10.31 11.79 30.45 and its products Coir and 211.92 196.4 229.85 213.69 14.31 17.24 9.61 3.98 coir manu- factures
Source: DGCI&S P: Provisional
The country-wise/commodity-wise details of export and import in last three years and current year, including Coconut and its products, Coir and Coir manufactures, are available in the DGCI&S publication in CD form, namely ‘Monthly Statistics of Foreign Trade of India’ Vol. I and Vol. II. Such CDs are regularly sent to Parliament Library by DGCI&S, Kolkata.
(b) & (c) There is no separate scheme specifi- cally for promotion of export of coconut and coconut products by Coconut Development Board. However, Coir Board is implementing the Central Sector Scheme for Export Market Promotion for Coir, with a view to improve the export performance of Indian Coir sector through various Export promotion activities.
Salient features of the Coir Board scheme are:-
i. Delegation, consultancy & information sourcing. ii. Participation in International Seminars, Conferences & workshops. iii. Participation in International fairs/product promotion programmes, catalogue shows and organizing exclusive international fairs and buyer- seller-meets for coir. iv. Publicity abroad. v. External market development assistance. vi. Coir industry awards.
(d): The funds allocated and utilized under export market promotion scheme for coir during each of last three years and the current year is given below. However, no state-wise allocations are made under this scheme.
(Rs. In Lakhs) Year Allocation(BE) Utilization 2011-12 205.00 131.71 2012-13 350.00 230.43 2013-14 350.00 325.27 2014-15 350.00 131.16 (Upto 09.03.2015)
(e) The measures taken by the Government to boost export are:-
# The coconut and its products including coir are incentivised at the rate varying from 2% to 7% under Focus Product Scheme. They are also incentivised at the rate varying from 3% to 4% under Focus Market Scheme. Exporter can claim any one benefit
# Excise duty on handmade carpets and textile floor covering of coir and jute products has been exempted.
# The drawback benefits have been increased for Coir Geotextiles from 1.7% to 1.9% and Coir Floor coverings from 3.2% to 4.9%.