(a) whether the country is going to face severe shortage of cotton by 2007 affecting the textiles industry badly;

(b) if so, the reasons thereof;

(c) the State-wise details of the cotton production and consumption in the last three years;

(d) the steps being taken to face the ensuing cotton crisis in the country;

(e) whether government has allowed export / import of the cotton; and

(f) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) : The Working Group on Textiles and Jute Industry for the Xth Five Year Plan has projected a consumption of 215 lakh bales in the terminal year of the Xth Plan viz. 2006-07. The production of cotton during the current cotton year 2004-05 is estimated at 213 lakh bales. Therefore, the country may not face shortage of cotton by 2007, affecting the textile industry.

(c): State-wise production of cotton for the last three years is as under:-

(In Lakh Bales of 170 kgs. each)
STATE 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04
Punjab 9.25 7.50 11.00 Haryana 5.50 8.75 11.50 Rajasthan 7.00 5.00 8.50 Gujarat 32.50 30.50 50.00 Maharashtra 34.25 26.00 31.00 Madhya Pradesh 20.00 18.00 19.50 Andhra Pradesh 26.75 19.75 26.00 Karnataka 7.00 5.00 4.00 Tamil Nadu 5.50 3.00 3.50 Others 0.75 1.00 1.00
Loose cotton consumed but 10.00 11.50 11.00 not accounted for in state-wise production

Total Production 158.00 136.00 177.00
Source: Cotton Advisory Board

The information on state-wise consumption of cotton is not maintained by the Government. However, the all India consumption of cotton for the last three years is as under:-

(In Lakh Bales of 170 kg. each)
Cotton year Total Consumption 2001-02 171.76 2002-03 168.83 2003-04 173.25
Source: Cotton Advisory Board

(d) : As mentioned above, there will not be any cotton crisis in the country. However, the Government of India has launched the Technology Mission on Cotton to augment the availability of quality cotton at competitive prices to the user industry.

(e) & (f): The international trade of cotton, from and into the country, is free of any restriction. At present, the import of cotton is subject to the customs duty of 10%.