Question : Cyclone Relief

(a) whether the Government is in receipt of any requests from the State Government of Tamil Nadu regarding financial support to address the issues of the recent Ockhi cyclone and the Vardah cyclone;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the Government’s response in this regard;

(c) whether the Union Government has taken this issue seriously to ensure that Tamil Nadu State is getting the requested relief measures without any delay in future; and

(d) if so, the measures taken by the Government in this regard as on date?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): In the case of Cyclone OCKHI, the Government of Tamil Nadu has submitted memorandum projecting the demand of Rs. 5255.07 crore (Rs. 401.34 crore for temporary restoration + Rs. 4853.73 crore for permanent restoration and mitigation) for cyclonic storm ‘Ockhi’. Upon receipt of the memorandum from the State Government of Tamil Nadu, an Inter-Ministerial Central Team (IMCT) has visited the affected areas of Tamil Nadu from 28th - 30th December 2017 for assessment of damages caused by the cyclone ‘Ockhi’.

LS.US.Q.No.2441 FOR 02.01.2018
With regard to Cyclone Vardah, it is stated that the High Level Committee (HLC), in its meeting held on 23.03.2017, approved the assistance of (i) Rs. 264.11 crore from NDRF, subject to adjustment of 50% of balance available in the SDRF account, and (ii) Rs.2.06 crore from Special component of NRDWP for repair of damaged rural drinking water supply works.
After adjustment of balance available in SDRF account, the Government of India had released an amount of Rs. 218.76 cr. for cyclone Vardha from NDRF. No additional amount from SDRF/ NDRF is due for release to the State Government inter-alia for the cyclone ‘Vardha’.
With regard to measures taken, it is mentioned that in order to support the affected people of the State Government of Tamil Nadu, after the cyclone ‘Ockhi’ the Government of India has released second installment of Rs. 280.50 crore to Tamil Nadu from State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) on 8th December 2017. In addition, the Government of India has released an amount of Rs. 133 crore from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) to Government of Tamil Nadu on 27th December 2017, for immediate relief measures.


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