(a) whether inadequate scientific storage capacity, regional imbalance in location of warehouses and inefficient logistic management leads to loss of foodgrains, if so, the details thereof and the corrective steps taken/proposed in this regard including improvement in logistics and removal of regional imbalances;

(b) whether repeated handling of the grains bags during storage and transit add to such losses, if so, the details thereof and corre- ctive steps taken in this regard; and

(c) the steps taken to ensure proper storage of foodgrains for maintaining its quality and to liquidate surplus stocks?

Answer given by the minister


(a): No, Madam. There is adequate scientific storage capacity with FCI and State agencies for storage of Central pool stocks.

(b) & (c): The storage and transit losses occur due to various reasons such as loss in moisture, longer period of storage and operational losses including multiple hand- ling of bags. In order to minimize such losses, FCI is introducing mechanization of warehouses, creation of Silos, bulk movement and conversion of part of exis- ting storage capacity into Silos.

Steps taken for proper storage of foodgrains include usage of polythene sheets on wagon floor, effective quality checking of foodg- rains at the time of procurement, prophyla- ctic & curative treatment of stocks and effective security arrangements. In addition, disciplinary actions are initiated against delinquent officials wherever they are found to be negligent during storage/loading/un- loading of foodgrains.

FCI occasionally resorts to open market sale and export for liquidating the surplus stocks.