Question : Cleanliness of Toilets and Wash Rooms in Railways

(a) whether the condition of toilets and wash rooms of trains and station areas in the country are not upto the mark and are not being maintained at the desired level of cleanliness as part of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan project;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto;

(c) the number of complaints received in this regard during the last four years and the current year;

(d) whether the Government has conducted any studies on the conditions of toilets and wash rooms in the trains and at railway stations in the country;

(e) if so, the details and the findings thereof and the follow up action taken thereon; and

(f) whether the newly found e-technological solutions for toilets are effective and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) and (b) No, Sir. Maintenance of cleanliness of toilets and wash rooms of trains and station areas is a continuous process and all efforts are being made to improve their condition and cleanliness. Some of the major initiatives taken by Indian Railways towards improvement in condition and cleanliness of toilets in trains and at Railway stations are as follows:
(i) Cleaning of coaches including toilets of trains is done at both ends including mechanized cleaning.
(ii) On Board Housekeeping Service (OBHS) has been provided in nearly 1080 pairs of trains including Rajdhani, Shatabdi and other important long distance Mail/Express trains for cleaning of coach toilets, doorways, aisles and passenger compartments during the run of the trains.
(iii) ‘Coach Mitra’ service has been provided in around 1040 pairs of OBHS trains as a single window interface to register coach related requirements of passengers such as cleaning, disinfestation, linen, train lighting, air conditioning and watering of coaches.
(iv) Clean Train Station (CTS) scheme has also been prescribed for limited mechanized cleaning attention to identified trains including cleaning of toilets during their scheduled stoppages enroute at nominated stations.
(v) Indian Railways is proliferating bio-toilets on its coaching stock so that no human waste is discharged from coaches on to the track. Nearly 2,05,000 bio-toilets have been fitted on around 56,700 coaches.
(vi) Provision of dustbins with bio-toilets in coaches.
(vii) Integrated mechanised cleaning contracts at stations including cleaning of toilets.
(viii) Separate toilets for men and women are provided as per norms at all NSG-1, NSG-2, NSG-3, NSG-4, NSG-5, NSG-6, SG-1, SG-2 and SG-3 category railway stations.
However, upgradation of amenities at stations including toilets is a continuous and on-going process and 2894 toilets were constructed / improved in the past four years, and further, construction / improvement works in this regard are being undertaken depending upon need, volume of the passenger traffic and priority subject to availability of funds.
(ix) Operation of public toilets, both deluxe and normal, with ladies and gents units, is also being done through Public Private Partnership (PPP) model on ‘Pay and Use’ basis. Zonal Railways have been authorized regarding operation and maintenance, including cleanliness of these ‘Pay and Use’ toilets through contracts.
(x) Special Cleanliness Campaign under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched on Indian Railways on 2nd October, 2014. Regular intensive campaigns / awareness drives have been organised since then over the Indian Railways with the sole objective to achieve significant and sustainable improvements in cleanliness standards of railway stations and trains.
(xi) Regular checks are conducted at officers and supervisors levels, and corrective action is taken wherever any deficiency is noticed.
(xii) Enforcement of Indian Railway (Penalties for activities affecting cleanliness at railway premises) Rules, 2012.
(c) Complaints/Grievances are registered under the heads ‘Cleanliness at Stations’ and ‘Cleanliness in Coaches’ which include cleanliness of toilets. Separate data on ‘Cleanliness of toilets/washrooms at stations and in coaches’ is not maintained. The details are appended.
(d) and (e) Railways had conducted last third party survey regarding cleanliness at 407 major Railway Stations in the country including cleanliness of toilets in 2018. A third party train cleanliness survey on 209 pairs of trains was also carried out in 2018 to assess the Swachhata parameters of the running trains including cleanliness of toilets.
The details of these surveys are available under -
Swachh Rail Swachh Bharat – 2018 - Train Cleanliness Survey, and Station Cleanliness Ranking Report – 2018 on Indian Railways website at ->Ministry of Railways -> Railway Board -> About Indian Railways -> Corporate Overview -> Directorates -> Environment Management.
These Reports have been shared with zonal railways for necessary improvements.
(f) Production Units (PUs) have been advised to fit vacuum assisted flushing system along with Bio – toilets in all newly manufactured Linke Hofmann Busch (LHB) AC coaches.
Vacuum flushing system toilet substantially reduces the requirement of water for flushing, while ensuring effective / proper flushing of faecal matter from the pans. Hence, it ensures proper flushing with less water.

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