(a) & (b): Yes, Sir. The Government has received the following recommendations:-
(A) In respect of rehabilitation of Textile workers:
(i) Removal of ceiling on the wages under Textile Workers` Rehabilitation Fund Scheme (TWRFS);
(ii) Those workers of public and cooperative sector textile mills who are not covered under
social security provisions, should also be covered under TWRFS.
The Government has found that the removal of the criteria of a wage ceiling without
adequate budgetary support will prove counter-productive to the targeted section of textiles
workers. As regards the coverage of the workers of public and cooperative sector textile
mills which are not covered under social security provisions, these are the responsibility
of the concerned State Governments.
(B) In respect of health insurance of textile workers:
(iii) To increase the ceiling of Rs.15,000/- per family under Health Insurance Scheme to
at least Rs.1,50,000/- per annum per family under general medical facilities;
(iv) The areas of critical care like cancer, bye-pass surgery, brain surgery, etc.
should also be brought within the ambit of the Scheme. The ceiling of proposed Rs. 1,50,000
per annum should not, however, apply in such cases.
The Handloom Weavers` Comprehensive Welfare Scheme with the components of Health Insurance
Scheme and the Mahatma Gandhi Bunkar Bima Yojana has been approved by the Government. The
steps taken to operationalize the recommendations and enhance the benefits, as far as
possible, are as under:-
Under the Mahatma Gandhi Bunkar Bima Yojana, at the same (current) rate of premium,
the benefits have been substantially enhanced as under:-
S. No. Earlier Benefits Benefits from 01.10.2007
(i) Natural Death Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 60,000/-
(ii) Accidental Death Rs. 80,000/- Rs. 1,50,000/-
(iii) Total Disability Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 1,50,000/-
(iv) Partial Disability Rs. 25,000/- Rs. 75,000/-
If the critical illness benefits are included in the scheme with existing benefits, then the
amount of premium will have to be enhanced by Rs. 4/- per thousand (i.e. about Rs.400/-
per Rs. one lakh) which consequently will result in raising the premium substantially from
the current rates and thus additional burden on the weavers.
(c) & (d): No change is proposed in Textile Workers` Rehabilitation Fund Scheme
(TWRFS) as the eligibility criteria are neither unrealistic nor anti-worker.
The eligibility criteria of the Health Insurance Scheme is under implementation
and has been revised as part of the Welfare Scheme for workers in the sector. The details
are as follows:-
(i) During the 10th Five Year Plan only handloom weavers were eligible for the benefit
of Health Insurance Scheme(HIS). However, during the 11th plan the scope of the scheme has
been enhanced to cover ancillary handlooms workers also i.e. like those engaged in warping,
winding, dyeing, printing, finishing, sizing, Jhala making, Jacquard cutting etc. in
addition to the other handloom weavers.
(ii) The scheme shall give health benefits to handloom weavers & the ancillary weavers
and their families of four including spouse and two children.
(iii) A substantial part of the funds has been allocated to cover the weavers of North
Eastern Region in both the schemes i.e. Health Insurance Scheme & Mahatma Gandhi Bunkar
Bima Yojana.
(iv) Special attention is being paid to ensure that eligible women and SC/ST and OBC`s
also get the benefit of these schemes.
(v) The scheme will cover the weaver upto the age of 80 years.
(vi) The weavers belonging to the State Handloom Development Corporations/Apex/Primary
Handloom Weavers` Cooperative Societies will be covered under the Scheme. Weavers outside
co-operatives can also be covered under the scheme on a certificate from the State
Directorate of Handlooms that they are fulfilling the eligibility condition.