Question : Embryo Transfer Technology Centres

(a) whether the Government is considering to promote animal husbandry in the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) the number of Embryo Transfer Technology Centres being run in the country at present and the details thereof, State-wise; and
(d) the number of Embryo Transfer Technology Centres set up during the last three years along with the number of such centres proposed to be set up in the country, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) Yes, Madam. In order to promote Animal Husbandry sector in the country Government of India has been implementing following schemes:

i) Rashtriya Gokul Mission with aim of development and conservation of indigenous breeds and enhancement of milk production and productivity of bovine population.

ii) National Dairy Plan-I with the aim of enhancing production of productivity of milch animals and to provide rural milk producers greater access to the organized milk processing centre. The scheme also has focus on development and conservation of 12 indigenous breeds of cattle and buffaloes.

iii) Livestock Health and Disease Control for tackling the issues of livestock health assistance is released under the scheme to the States & UTs.

iv) National Livestock Mission having sub mission on Feed & Fodder Development for increasing fodder availability in the country; Livestock Development with the component of providing insurance coverage, Entrepreneurship Development and Employment Generation etc; Pig Development in NER; and Skill Development and Technology Transfer.

v) Government has also established three subordinate organizations namely, (a) Central Cattle Breeding Farms (CCBFs) (b) Central Herd registration Scheme and (c) Central Frozen Semen Production & Training Institute. These institutes playing crucial role in supply of high genetic merit bulls and semen doses of indigenous breeds.

vi) The Indian Council of Agricultural Research through its research institutes is undertaking genetic improvement and conservation of indigenous breeds

(c) & (d) Funds have been released for establishment of 19 embryo transfer technology centres (ETT) out of 20 ETT to be set up in the country upto 2019-20. Out of the 19 ETT centres 10 have been made operational and in the remaining 9 centres work is under rapid progress. State wise details of the ETT centres is given at Annexure-I.

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