Question : Employment to BPL Youth

(a) whether the Government has prepared any action-plan for making the youth living below poverty line skilled and preparing them in accordance with the demand of the labour market;

(b) if so, the details thereof, scheme-wise and the total number of youth in the country living below poverty line who are unemployed, State-wise;

(c) whether the Government has conducted any survey in this regard and if so, the details thereof; and

(d) the number of institutions providing training in skill development functioning in various States including Jharkhand and the fields in which the said institute are providing training, State-wise details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (d) The Government of India has over 40 skill development Schemes/programmes being implemented by various Ministries/Department. These Schemes have provisions to promote participation in skill development by all socio-economic group particularly economically weaker sections including those living below poverty line. The Ministry of Rural Development has been implementing two schemes viz; (i) Rural Self Employment and Training Institutes (RSETI), which provides entrepreneurship development and enables the trainee to take bank credit and start his/her own Micro-enterprise for training rural poor youth under National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) and (ii) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) which is a placement linked skill development program. Details about RSETIs established State/UT-wise is given at Annexure-I while those pertaining to DDU-GKY ongoing projects along with their sectors is given in Annexure II. Information pertaining to unemployed BPL youth is not available. However, the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) has been conducting quinquennial employment-unemployment surveys to measure employment-unemployment related indicators. Based on these surveys, NSSO inter-alia estimates number of unemployed persons. Last survey on employment-unemployment was conducted during NSS 68th round (July, 2011 – June, 2012). A statement as per this Survey showing State-wise number of unemployed persons according to usual status is given at Annexure-III.


Number of RSETIs set up in various states

1 Andhra Pradesh 15
2 Arunachal Pradesh 1
3 Assam 22
4 Bihar 39
5 Chhattisgarh 18
6 Goa 1
7 Gujarat 28
8 Haryana 21
9 Himachal Pradesh 10
10 Jammu and Kashmir 21
11 Jharkhand 25
12 Karnataka 33
13 Kerala 14
14 Madhya Pradesh 51
15 Maharashtra 35
16 Manipur 1
17 Meghalaya 4
18 Mizoram 1
19 Nagaland 1
20 Odisha 30
21 Punjab 19
22 Rajasthan 34
23 Sikkim 1
24 Tamil Nadu 32
25 Telangana 10
26 Tripura 5
27 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1
28 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1
29 Lakshadweep 1
30 Puducherry 1
31 Uttar Pradesh 75
32 Uttarakhand 13
33 West Bengal 19
Total 583

Number of ongoing DDU-GKY projects in States with their sectors

Sl No. State Name No. of Projects Sector in which training provided
1 ANDHRA PRADESH 4 Apparel, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Construction, IT-ITES, Production And Manufacturing, Retail, Tourism & Hospitality
2 ASSAM 21 Apparel, Automotive, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Beauty & Wellness, Business & Commerce, Capital Goods, Construction, Electrical, Electronics, Healthcare, IT-ITES, Logistics & Supply Change Management, Production And Manufacturing, Retail, Security, Telecom, Textiles, Tourism & Hospitality
3 BIHAR 34 Agriculture, Apparel, Automotive, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Beauty & Wellness, Business & Commerce, Construction, Electrical, Electronics, Healthcare, IT-ITES, Logistics & Supply Change Management, Media & Entertainment, Power & Energy, Retail, Security, Telecom, Textiles, Tourism & Hospitality
4 GUJARAT 18 Apparel, Automotive, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Beauty & Wellness, Capital Goods, Chemical, Construction, Electrical, Electronics, Healthcare, IT-ITES, Production And Manufacturing, Retail, Security, Telecom, Tourism & Hospitality
5 HARYANA 11 Apparel, Automotive, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Business & Commerce, Construction, Electrical, Electronics, Healthcare, IT-ITES, Retail, Security, Telecom, Tourism & Hospitality
6 JAMMU AND KASHMIR 15 Apparel, Beauty & Wellness, Construction, Electrical, Electronics, Healthcare, IT-ITES, Logistics & Supply Change Management, Plastic Processing, Retail, Telecom, Tourism & Hospitality
7 KARNATAKA 24 Apparel, Automotive, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Construction, Domestic Worker, Electrical, Electronics, Healthcare, IT-ITES, Logistics & Supply Change Management, Production And Manufacturing, Retail, Security, Telecom, Tourism & Hospitality
8 KERALA 34 Agriculture, Apparel, Automotive, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Beauty & Wellness, Capital Goods, Construction, Electrical, Electronics, Food Processing & Preservation, Healthcare, IT-ITES, Logistics & Supply Change Management, Media & Entertainment, Paint, Production And Manufacturing, Retail, Security, Telecom, Tourism & Hospitality
9 MADHYA PRADESH 13 Apparel, Automotive, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Beauty & Wellness, Construction, Electrical, Electronics, Healthcare, Hospitality, IT-ITES, Logistics & Supply Change Management, Retail, Security, Telecom, Textiles, Tourism & Hospitality
10 MAHARASHTRA 29 Apparel, Automotive, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Business & Commerce, Capital Goods, Construction, Electrical, Electronics, Healthcare, IT-ITES, Logistics & Supply Change Management, Renewable Energy, Retail, Security, Tourism & Hospitality
11 ODISHA 80 Agriculture, Apparel, Automotive, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Beauty & Wellness, Capital Goods, Construction, Electrical, Electronics, Fire And Safety Engineering, Healthcare, IT-ITES, Leather, Logistics & Supply Change Management, Paint, Plastic Processing, Plumbing, Power & Energy, Production And Manufacturing, Retail, Security, Telecom, Tourism & Hospitality
12 RAJASTHAN 38 Apparel, Automotive, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Beauty & Wellness, Construction, Electrical, Electronics, Food Processing & Preservation, Healthcare, IT-ITES, Logistics & Supply Change Management, Renewable Energy, Retail, Security, Telecom, Textiles, Tourism & Hospitality
13 TRIPURA 6 Beauty & Wellness, Construction, Electrical, Garment Making, Healthcare, Hospitality, Information And Communication Technology, IT-ITES, Retail, Security, Spa & Wellness, Telecom, Tourism & Hospitality
14 UTTAR PRADESH 24 Apparel, Automotive, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Construction, Electrical, Electronics, Fabrication, Garment Making, Healthcare, Hospitality, Industrial Electrical, Information And Communication Technology, IT-ITES, Leather, Logistics & Supply Change Management, Power & Energy, Retail, Security, Telecom, Tourism & Hospitality
15 WEST BENGAL 4 Apparel, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Construction, Electronics, IT-ITES, Paint, Retail, Tourism & Hospitality
16 CHHATTISGARH 14 Apparel, Automotive, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Beauty & Wellness, Construction, Electrical, Electronics, Healthcare, IT-ITES, Logistics & Supply Change Management, Plumbing, Printing, Retail, Security, Telecom, Textiles, Tourism & Hospitality
17 JHARKHAND 16 Apparel, Automotive, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Beauty & Wellness, Capital Goods, Construction, Electrical, Electronics, Healthcare, IT-ITES, Logistics & Supply Change Management, Retail, Security, Telecom, Tourism & Hospitality
18 TELANGANA 10 Apparel, Automotive, Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI), Beauty & Wellness, Business & Commerce, Construction, Electrical, Electronics, Healthcare, IT-ITES, Media & Entertainment, Paint, Renewable Energy, Retail, Security, Tourism & Hospitality


***** State-wise estimates of number of unemployed persons (all ages and as per usual status) during 2011-12 as per NSS 68th round (July, 2011 – June, 2012)
State/UT Number of unemployed persons State/UT Number of unemployed persons
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Andhra Pradesh 759900 Mizoram 12600
Arunachal Pradesh 8500 Nagaland 87500
Assam 438300 Odisha 382900
Bihar 873800 Punjab 229400
Chhattisgarh 150300 Rajasthan 280000
Delhi 173300 Sikkim 3200
Goa 24400 Tamil Nadu 698100
Gujarat 116300 Tripura 192500
Haryana 249600 Uttarakhand 108300
Himachal Pradesh 41600 Uttar Pradesh 976900
Jammu & Kashmir 133100 West Bengal 1113200
Jharkhand 252100 A & N Islands 9600
Karnataka 372000 Chandigarh 22200
Kerala 832200 Dadra & Nagar Haveli @
Madhya Pradesh 225400 Daman & Diu 100
Maharashtra 588200 Lakshadweep 2700
Manipur 32000 Puducherry 9200
Meghalaya 8600 All-India 9408000
***** Note:- Telangana was not a State during the NSSO survey during the period July 2011-June 2012. Hence, its separate estimate is not available
ii. @ negligible.

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