(a) the Export Processing Zones set up in the country, location-wise;

(b) the performance of existing zones during the last three years, zone-wise;

(c) the targets set for these zones for 2003-04 and 2004-05;

(d) whether the special consideration, concessions and incentives are given to these zones to achieve their targets;

(e) if so, the details thereof;

(f) whether the proposals for the sanctioning of EPZs are under consideration of the Government; and

(g) if so, the details thereof alongwith the stage of their approval, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): All the eight Export Processing Zones set up at Kandla and Surat (Gujarat), Santa Cruz (Maharashtra), Cochin (Kerala), Chennai (Tamil Nadu), Vishakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh), Falta (West Bengal), Noida (U.P.) have been converted into Special Economic Zones (SEZs). In addition, 3 new Special Economic Zones at Salt Lake - Manikanchan (West Bengal), Indore (M.P.) and Jaipur (Rajasthan) have become operational in 2004-05. The export performance of the existing Special Economic Zones, vis-à-vis, targets set during the last 3 years, is given in the statement annexed.

(d) and (e): The major incentives offered to units in Special Economic Zones to promote exports include duty free import/domestic procurement of goods, exemption from Central Sales Tax on supplies made from Domestic Tariff Area, exemption from service tax and 100% income tax exemption for the first 5 years, 50% for the next 2 years and not exceeding 50% of ploughed back profits for the next 3 years.

(f) & (g): Proposals recently received through the State Governments/Union Territories for setting up SEZs at Manglore, Banglore, Hassan (Karnataka), Shastri Park (New Delhi), Ghaziabad (U.P.), Mohali, Amritsar (Punjab), Nagpur (Maharashtra) and Trivandrum (Kerala) are under the consideration of the Government and final decisions are expected shortly.

Statement referred to in reply to parts (a) to (c) Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No: 3149 to be answered on 16.8.2005 regarding Export Processing Zones

(Rs. in crores)
Export Performance of the Special Economic Zones (SEZs)

	2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
Zone	Export Target	Achievement	Export Target Achievement	Export target	Achievement
Kandla SEZ	550	729.29	1020	1018.82	1275 1060.14
SEEPZ-SEZ (Santa Cruz)	5850	6083.02	7600	7832.81	9790 8298.59
Noida SEZ	1100	1001.17	1400	1534.17	1920 4266.00
Madras SEZ	875	822.35	1040	1037.96	1295 1376.91
Cochin SEZ	325	270.42	380	298.91	375 462.99
Falta SEZ	650	512.39	720	825.34	1030 569.15
Visakhapatnam SEZ	300	357.27	500	435.67	545 579.27
Surat SEZ	350	280.71	400	869.90	1090 1539.72
Indore SEZ 55.02
Jairpur SEZ 5.27
Manikanchan SEZ 95.94
Total	10000	10056.62	13060	13853.58	17320	18309.00