Question : Servilance through Drones

(a) the details of the steps taken to keep surveillance through drones at airports and nearby areas;
(b) whether the Government is developing antidrone system to ensure security of airports;
(c) if so, the time by which it will be developed;
(d) the details of the steps taken by the Government for security of airports in the wake of the dropping of two bombs on the camps of Indian air force station through drones at Jammu airport; and
(e) whether the Government proposes to start night flight service from Prayagraj; if so, the time by which it will be started?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION (GEN. (DR) V. K. SINGH (RETD))

(a) to (c) The steps taken by the Government to strengthen the surveillance at airports include the following:
(i) Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) has issued AVSEC circular No. - 02/2020 dated 11 February 2020 followed by addendum dated 09 February 2021 on "Basic requirements and technical specifications/ Qualitative Requirements (QRs) for counter drone technology for surveillance, detection and neutralisation of drones for airports". ;;
(ii) Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) has been issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) vide Office Memorandum No. VI-23014/209/IND/2018-VS dated 10 May 2019 for handling threats from sub-conventional aerial platforms in the country, including vital installations under the Central Government.
(iii) As per the Drone Rules, 2021 notified on 25 August 2021, airspace map of the country has been published on the digital sky platform on 24 September 2021. The map clearly demarcates India''s entire airspace into green, yellow and red zones. Operation of drones in red and yellow zones is subject to permission from the Central Government and concerned Air Traffic Control authority respectively.;;
(iv)The airspace upto the lateral distance of 8 kilometre from the perimeter of an operational airport is not designated as green zone. The airspace above 200 feet or 60 metre in the area located between the lateral diatance of 8 kilometre and 12 kilometre from the perimeter of an operational airport is designated as yellow zone.
(v) Drone operations that violate the provisions of the Drone Rules, 2021 are punishable under Rule 49 of the Drone Rules, 2021 as well as provisions of any other law, for the time being in force
(d) In pursuance to drone attack on the intervening night of 26-27 June, 2021 at Air Force Station, Jammu, BCAS has issued an alert on 28 July 2021 to enhance security measures to thwart the occurence of attacks on civil airports.;
(e) Prayagraj airport belongs to Indian Air Force. Civil enclave at this airport is maintained by Airports Authority of India (AAI).;
The present watch hours are from dawn to dusk. Night landing facility is available at the airport. However, no airline has so far requested to operate night flights from Prayagraj airport.

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