Question : Non-communicable Disease

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:
(a) whether burden of Non-communicable disease especially cardiovascular, Diabetes and obesity is rising dangerously in India, if so, the details thereof and action taken thereon;
(b) the list of major Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) as announced by the Government along with the number of patients dying from NCDs every year according to WHO data;
(c) the steps taken by the Government to create awareness among the public about the NCDs and reduce the mortality rate due to NCDs in the country and the manner in which the Government is conducting the awareness programme to communicate effectively to the public about NCDs;
(d) whether the said measures have bought positive response in the country, if so, the details thereof;
(e) whether the Government has introduced or planned a mobile app for healthcare staff for the better management of NCDs; and
(f) if so, the details thereof along with its working module?

Answer given by the minister

(a): The exact number of patient suffering from Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) including cardiovascular, diabetes and obesity are not known. However, various studies indicate the trend of these diseases is rising.
With Ayushman Bharat, India has launched health care services in a holistic manner to include preventive and promotive health care. A population level initiative of prevention, control and screening for common NCDs (diabetes, hypertension and common cancers viz. Oral, breast and cervical cancer) has also been rolled out, as a part of comprehensive primary health care. Under this initiative, frontline health workers such as Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) and Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANM), inter alia, are leveraged to carry out screening as well as to generate awareness about the risk factors of NCDs including diabetes among the masses. The initiative is under implementation across the country. Screening for common NCDs is also an integral part of service delivery under Ayushman Bharat- Health and Wellness Centres.
Under Pradhan Mantri National Dialysis Programme (PMNDP), State Governments are supported for providing dialysis services free of cost to the poor under the Umbrella of the NHM. Such support is based on the proposals received from States in their annual Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs).

(b): According to World Health Organisation (WHO), Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) kill 41 million people each year globally. In India, it is estimated that nearly 5.8 million people (WHO report 2015) die from NCDs (Heart and Lung diseases, Stroke, Cancer and Diabetes) every year. Non-Communicable diseases are medical conditions or diseases that are not caused by infectious agents. The common NCDs are Cancer, Diabetes, Cardio-vascular diseases (CVDs), Stroke, Chronic Kidney disease and lung diseases besides several others.

(c) & (d): Although, Public health and hospitals is a state subject, the central Government supplements efforts of State Government through technical and financial support. In order to combat the major Non Communicable Disease (NCDs) including diabetes, Government of India is implementing National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) for interventions upto district level under the National Health Mission(NHM), with focus on strengthening infrastructure, human resource development, health promotion & awareness generation, early diagnosis, management and referral to an appropriate level institution for treatment and follow up. To tackle the challenge of Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) including cancer, 638 NCD Clinics at District level and 4464 NCD Clinics at Community Health Centre level have been set up under NPCDCS.
Common Review Mission is conducted every year to monitor and evaluate the National Health Mission including NCD programs. The response from the States is generally positive.

(e) & (f): Government has introduced the Comprehensive Primary Health Care – NCD application for healthcare staff. The application was introduced in April, 2018 to facilitate the ongoing Population Based Screening efforts of Government of India. This application has six modules:
1. Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)
2. Auxiliary Nurse Mid-wife (ANM)
3. Medical Officer
4. Community Health Centre/District Hospital (CHC/DH)
5. Administrative.
6. Health Officials Monitoring Module.

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