(a) whether the Government has suffered a loss while making payment to cotton producers under Minimum Support Price (MSP) during the last three years;
(b) if so, details of prices and quantum of cotton on which procurement made by the Government during the last three years, year-wise, State-wise along with steps taken by Government to compensate to various State Governments including Maharashtra on account of losses suffered due to payment under MSP;
(c) whether the Government of Maharashtra has also requested to the Union Government to appoint Maharashtra State Co-operative Cotton Producers Marketing Confederation Limited for the purpose of MSP activities on the basis of Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) for purchase of cotton;
(d) if so, the reaction of the Government in this regard;
(e) whether the Government has noticed that textile industry/spinning and garments units are facing an unprecedented crisis owing to high input like cotton/yarn prices
and labour costs;
(f) if so, the steps taken by the Government to help the textile industry
especially backward regions in the country including Andhra Pradesh; and
(g) the exports of cotton bales during the last three years and the current year?