Question : Funds Allocated under Cultural Functions Grant Scheme

(a) the number of schemes that are under implementation in the Ministry and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the amount disbursed under various schemes, scheme-wise during the last three years;

(c) the amount disbursed to various cultural organisations under Cultural Functions Grant Scheme during the last three years; and

(d) the reason for rejecting the request of many cultural organisations for grants?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (c) The names/number of schemes, actual expenditure incurred during the last three years, including amount disbursed to various cultural organisations under Cultural Functions Grant Scheme (CFGS), are given in the Annexure.

(d) All complete proposals fulfilling the laid down criteria received from various cultural organizations for funding under CFPGS, are placed before an Expert Committee constituted by the Ministry for the purpose of recommendation of grants and grants are being released as per the recommendation of the Expert Committee.



Annexure referred to in reply to part (a) to (c) of the LokSabhaUnstarred Question No. 3250 for 09.12.2019 regarding Funds Allocated under Cultural Functions Grant Scheme.

In Crores
S. No. Name of the Scheme Actual Expenditure 2016-17 Actual Expenditure 2017-18 Actual Expenditure 2018-19
1 2 3 4 5
1 Repertory Grant 40.13 41.89 33.47
2 Financial Assistance to Cultural organizations with National Presence 3.37 4.60 5.40
3 Culture Function Production Grant 30.19 38.81 32.00
4 Preservation and Development of Cultural Heritage of the Himalayas 1.10 2.59 2.39
5 Preservation and Development of Buddhist / Tibetan Organizations 10.54 11.24 13.93
6 Financial Assistance for Building Grant including Studio Theatres 0.77 2.21 3.15
7 Financial Assistance for allied Cultural Activities 0 0 10.60
8 Financial Assistance for Tagore Cultural Complexes 15.25 18.16 3.61
9 Scheme of Scholarship and Fellowship for Promotion of Art and Culture 11.75 10.70 13.46
10 Scheme for Pension and Medical Aid to Artists 13.17 15.30 19.73
11 Scheme of Financial Assistance under SevaBhojYojana 0 0 0.05
12 Museum Grant Scheme 49.00 32.46 31.93
13 Scheme for Promotion of Culture of Science (SPoCS) 44.54 13.25 24.78
14 Intangible Cultural Heritage Scheme 0 0 0
15 Festival of India 16.42 23.24 *21.34
16 Grant in Aid Indo Foreign Friendship Cultural Society 11.56 12.21

* The erstwhile independent schemes have been merged into a single scheme.

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