Question : Functioning of NCRB

(a) whether the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has celebrated its 32nd Inception Day in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the aims and objectives of setting up of NCRB;

(c) the number of police officers trained by the NCRB so far, State/UTwise;

(d) whether the NCRB is planning to establish new research wing and also proposes to introduce new subjects in training;

(e) if so, the details thereof and the time by which it is likely to be implemented; and

(f) the steps taken/being taken by the NCRB to achieve more success in its objectives?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Yes. In the function apart from other activities an exhibition on Bureau’s activities like functioning of CCTNS project, feature of scanning and recording of finger print of criminals, publications from the year 1953 onwards were displayed. Medals and Commendation Certificates were also awarded to the employees for their meritorious services.

L.S.US.Q.NO.6113 FOR 11.04.2017

The main objectives of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) are as below:

(i) To prepare an enabling IT environment - policy framework, guidelines, architecture, best practices for Police Forces throughout the country to improve knowledge based pro-active policing with the use of IT for improving internal efficiency, effectiveness and public service delivery.

(ii) To lead and coordinate development of IT products and build a National Resource Centre of IT solutions for police organizations.

(iii) To create and maintain secure sharable National Databases on crimes, criminals, property and organized criminal gangs for law enforcement agencies and promote their use for public service delivery.

(iv) To obtain, compile, analyze and publish the National Crime Statistics.

(v) To obtain, process and disseminate finger print records of criminals including foreign criminals to establish their identity; promote automation of State Finger Print Bureaux and encourage research for the development of Finger Print Science.


L.S.US.Q.NO.6113 FOR 11.04.2017

(vi) To provide training in IT and Finger Print Science for capacity building in Police Forces.

(vii) To coordinate development of Modern State Crime Records Bureaux.

(viii) To interact with Foreign Police Forces to share IT practices and crime information.

(c): Details of police officers trained upto 31.01.2017 is at Annex.

(d) & (e): At present there is no proposal with the Ministry.

(f): NCRB does continuous consultation with all of its stakeholders, including State/UTs, to achieve its objectives.


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