Question : Use of Social Media

Will the Minister of Electronics and Information Technology be pleased to state:-
(a) whether more and more people are using social media platform to raise their grievances and the Government has finally responded positively to the medium;
(b) if so, the details thereof along with the steps taken to urge the officials/employee to use the platform;
(c) whether as a part of this initiative some State Governments have organized training programmes for their officials to use the platform to communicate with the people;
(d) if so, the details thereof; and
(e) the measures taken by the Government to properly respond to the issues raised on the said platform?

Answer given by the minister

(a) and (b): Government has set up MyGov as a social media platform for enabling greater people participation in matters relating to public policy. MyGov provides opportunities for citizens to do various tasks, discuss issues and disseminate information.

In addition, Government Ministries/ Departments/ Organisations are using various other social media platforms to engage with people. Several people have used these social media platforms to raise their grievances. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, through new media wing has initiated a hashtag, #MIBConnect to respond to such grievances. Several other Ministries/ Departments/ Organisations are also responding to public grievances raised on social media platform.

(c) and (d): The Government does not maintain details in this regard.

(e): Ministry of Information and Broadcasting forwards all complaints/ queries/ grievances received through #MIBConnect to concerned officials for adequate response. Dedicated team has been setup in Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for this purpose. Several other Ministries/ Departments/ Organisations have also identified nodal officials to monitor complaints/ grievances on their official social media hashtags/ accounts.

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