Question : Solar Zones in Wastelands

(a) whether the Government proposes to set up solar zones in wastelands or areas with low agricultural productivity and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether the Government has requested the State Governments to identify wastelands or areas with low agricultural productivity for setting up such zones, if so, the reaction of the State Governments thereto and the status of identification of such land by the latter;

(c) whether farmers will be allowed to sell their land directly to the companies looking to set up such facilities, if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether the Government has devised any mechanism to ensure cent percent sale of Solar Power produced from such areas, if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the steps being taken/proposed to be taken by the Government to raise the installed capacity of solar plants upto 1,00,000 MW?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes, Madam. This Ministry is formulating a scheme for development of solar zones in the country. Through this scheme, the Government aims to set up solar zones having good solar insolation and having government or privately owned waste land, uncultivable or fallow land in one or more than one patches where solar power projects can be installed.

(b): The Government has requested all the State Governments to identify solar zones in respective States. Till date, the Ministry has received response form the State of Rajasthan only.

(c): The acquisition of land will be taken up by the solar project developers as per the land policy of the respective State Governments.

(d): Independent Power Producers (IPPs) would be free to set up solar projects under feed-in tariff (FIT) or competitive bidding process as per the policies of Central / State Governments.
(e): The target of 1,00,000 MW capacity is proposed to be achieved through deployment of 40,000 MW of Rooftop Solar projects and 60,000 MW Medium & Large Scale Solar projects. The development of solar projects is being encouraged through measures like Renewable Power Obligation, Viability Gap Funding , bundling with thermal power etc.

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