(a) Details of crude oil and gas produced by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Oil India
Limited (OIL) and Private / Joint Venture (JV) Companies is as under:
Companies Crude Gas Production
For 2009-10 Production (in BCM)
(upto 30.9.2009) (in MMT)
ONGC 12.372 11.603
OIL 1.781 1.205
Private/ 2.44 8.51
JV Companies:
MMT: Million Metric Tonne
BCM: Billion Cubic Metres
(b) In the current financial year 2009-10 ( April to September 2009), the total demand of crude
oil ( without condensate) in the country, met through internal sources, was 16.4 Million Metric
Tonne (MMT). Working Group on Petroleum and Natural Gas sector for the XI plan has projected a
demand of 225.52 Million Metric Standard Cubic Meter Per Day (MMSCMD). The present indigenous
production available for consumption is around 117 Million Metric Standard Cubic Metre Per Day
(c) Country wise details crude oil imported during last three years and current financial year
(upto September 2009) are annexed . Total Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) imported during the year
2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 ( till date) is 348.97 TBTU, 422.09 TBTU, 413.52 TBTU
and 312.37 TBTU respectively.
(d) The total expenditure incurred on crude oil imports and LNG during the last three years
and the current year ( upto September 2009) is as under:
Year 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 in crore in crore (Apr- Sept) in crore
Crude oil Rs219029 Rs272699 Rs341887 Rs65381 crore crore crore crore
LNG Rs 4851 Rs 5447 Rs 7703 Rs 6483
(expenditure crore crore crore crore
incurred / + US $ + US $ + US $ + US $
forex spent 479.7 1061.5 1210.8 296.7
on import) Million Million Million Million
TBTU- Trillion British Thermal Unit