(a) whether the Government have decided to corporatise the four Government mints in kolkata, Noitla, Mumbai & Hyderabad as per the recommendations of the Expenditure Reforms Commission(ERC) with a view to meet the demand of coins;

(b) if so, the details in this regard ;

(c) whether the Mint employees Association have expressed their concern and opposed this move; and

(d) if so, the reaction of the Government thereto ?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) Yes, Sir, Based on the recommendation of the Expenditure Reforms Commission, decided to corporatise the four India Government Mints has been taken with a view to providing greater operational freedom, financial autonomy and improving their efficiency.

(c) & (d) Some Employees Unions/Associations have represented against the decision of the Government to corporatise the India Government Mints. However, Government feels that employee interests will not be adversely effected by corporatisation of the Mints whose objective is to improve efficiency. Interests of the employees will be also be kept in view while creating a Corporate Structure.