(a) whether the Union Government has invested huge amount in major ports during each of the last three years and the current year;

(b) if so, the details thereof, port-wise;

(c) whether some of these ports have become loss making ventures for the Union Government;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor; and

(e) the steps taken or proposed to be taken by the Government to improve the functioning of all major ports through better management?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Major Ports meet their expenses out of their internal resources. For their development projects, private funding is being made under PPP. The Government of India provides budgetary support to some of the Major Ports primarily for capital dredging. The details of the funds under Gross Budgetary Support released to the Major Ports during the last three years and proposed in the current financial year is as given below:-

(Rs. in crores)
S.No.	Name of the Port Year	2007-08	2008-09	2009-10	2010-11
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Cochin Port 100.00 140.00 152.66 237.97 2 Paradip Port 45.00 NIL NIL NIL 3 Tuticorin Port NIL -do- -do- 5.00 4 Mormugao Port -do- -do- -do- 1.00 5 Kolkata Port -do- -do- -do- 1.00

(c) & (d): Only Cochin Port has reported marginal net loss in 2008-09 and 2009-10. The losswas due to long gestation period of the Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) and International ontainer Transshipment Terminal (ICTT) project.

(e): For improving the functioning of the Major Ports, various productivity measures like training of officials, replacement of obsolete equipment with modern technology to attract more cargo and vessels are being taken in. For inducting world class equipment and technology private participation is allowed in almost all the Port functions.