(a) the attitude of Russian Government in containing terrorism in India;

(b) whether India is expecting any help from Russia in this ragard; and

(c) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Both India and the Russian Federation have reaffirmed that global terrorism is a threat to international peace and security and that cooperation to combat terrorism is becoming an imperative of contemporary international reality. The two Sides believe that combating this menace should be on a comprehensive and long-term basis and should be directed also at those supporting, harbouring or providing safe haven to terrorists. India and the Russian Federation intend to make their full contribution to the establishment of such a system. They proceed from the understanding that terrorist acts admit no justification under any political, ethnic, religious, social, economic, or other grounds. Terrorism is an absolute evil; it is a global scourge to be collectively countered.

(b) & (c) During the State visit to the Russian Federation by Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee from 4-7 November, 2001, both India and the Russian Federation have expressed their satisfaction with the level of cooperation between the two countries in countering international terrorism and other transnational organised crimes, which fuel terrorism, including drug trafficking. The two Sides reiterated their resolve to continue and coordinate efforts for strengthening the international legal basis for combating these challenges. Russia has expressed support for the Indian draft of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism in the UN.

The National Security Councils of India and the Russian Federation have set-up Joint Coordination Groups on International and Regional Security and on International Terrorism. There is also a Joint Working Group (JWG) on Afghanistan between India and the Russian Federation. This was set up in October 2000 and has since then met three times. The last meeting of this JWG was held on 18-19 October, 2001 in India.