Question : Injuries during Training in Defence Academies

(a) the total number of cadets who were injured during their training in defence academies and as a result were invalidated out on medical grounds during the last five years, year-wise;
(b) the total number of injuries that were attributable to service and non-attributable to service;
(c) the year-wise break-up of the number of medical board out cadets in the categories of those suffering 20 percent disability, 30 percent disability, 50 percent or more and 100 percent disability during the said period;
(d) the total amount of ex-gratia payment released to such cadets by the Ministry during the last five years, year-wise; and
(e) whether such cadets have been issued identity cards or any other document of identification that they can use to access healthcare facilities in military hospitals and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The total number of cadets boarded out of service are as follows:

Year Number of cadets boarded out
2016 26
2017 13
2018 19
2019 21
2020 33

(b) Injuries attributable to service and non-attributable to service:

Total injuries
Injuries attributable to service
Injuries non-attributable to service

(c) Year-wise break-up of cadets boarded out:

Year 20% Disability 30% Disability 50%
or more Disability 100% Disability
2016 07 07 05 02
2017 02 03 04 Nil
2018 12 03 03 Nil
2019 10 06 Nil Nil
21 10 Nil 01

(d) The following Ex-gratia benefits are granted to cadets on being medically boarded out:

(i) Ex-Gratia Disability Award (for 100% disability, reduced proportionately) – Rs. 16,200/- pm + Dearness Relief. No disability award shall be payable in cases where the degree of disablement is less than 20%

(ii) Monthly Ex-Gratia – Rs. 9000/- pm + Dearness Relief.

(iii) Constant Attendance Allowance (For 100% disability only) – Rs.6,750/- pm.

In addition, Army Group Insurance Fund (AGIF) provides disability and Ex-gratia benefits to cadets boarded out with disability.

(e) Cadets medically boarded out from armed forces are not issued any identity card. However, medical treatment of such injured cadets is done at Military Hospitals


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