(a): Yes, Sir. So far, a total of Rs. 82.80 Cr. has been released to the implementing agencies for running and maintenance of Senior Citizen Homes under the scheme of National Action Plan for Senior Citizens (NAPSrC).
(b) & (c): Under the scheme of NAPSrC, a total of 166 new projects of Senior Citizen Homes have been recommended by the Screening Committee for the year 2020-21. This Department supports these Senior Citizen Homes by providing financial assistance for running and maintenance. So far, a total of Rs. 6.77 Cr. has been released to new projects of Senior Citizen Homes during the year 2020-21.
(d): Financial assistance is provided to the implementing agencies to improve the quality of life of Senior Citizens by providing basic amenities like shelter, food, medical care, entertainment opportunities and by encouraging productive and active ageing.
(e): No such data is maintained centrally in this Ministry. However, the state-wise number of beneficiaries in Sr. Citizen Homes financially supported under NAPSrC are given at Annexure.
Annexure referred to part (e) of reply to the Lok Sabha Question No. 4533 titled “Financial Assistance to Old Age Homes” to be answered on 23.03.2021
Number of beneficiaries of Sr. Citizen Homes being supported under NAPSrC (as on 05.03.2021) :
Sl. No. State No. of Beneficiaries
1 Andhra Pradesh 2650
2 Arunachal Pradesh 50
3 Assam 1350
4 Bihar 50
5 Chhattisgarh 50
6 Delhi 100
7 Gujarat 225
8 Haryana 675
9 Himachal Pradesh 50
10 Karnataka 1175
11 Kerala 100
12 Madhya Pradesh 375
13 Maharashtra 1775
14 Manipur 1725
15 Mizoram 50
16 Orissa 2500
17 Pondicherry 25
18 Punjab 75
19 Rajasthan 400
20 Tamil Nadu 1850
21 Telangana 700
22 Tripura 25
23 Uttar Pradesh 750
24 Uttarakhand 75
25 West Bengal 900
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