Question : Small Industrial Training Institute

(a) whether the Government has established Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) to promote technical education in the different regions of the country;

(b) if so, State/UT-wise details thereof;

(c) the details about the ITIs established along with the fund spent in this regard during the last three years; and;

(d) the details of the total number ofstudents enrolled and trained under thePradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana(PMKVY) in the last three years, State wise;

(e) whether India has very smallpercentage of skilled workforce incomparison to other countries, if so, thedetails thereof along with the reasonstherefor; and

(f) the corrective steps being taken bythe Government in this regard so far?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c) Setting up of Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and its operation are in the domain of respective State Governments, whereas preparation of norms and designing curricula along with conducting examination and certification are the responsibility of Central Government.

(d) Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) 2016-20, is a flagship scheme, under Skill India Mission of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship with an objective to provide skilling to one crore people under Short Term Training (STT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) across the country for four years i.e. 2016-2020 with an outlay of 12,000 crore. The details of total candidates enrolled and trained in the last three years state wise, is given in Annexure I.

(e) & (f) Yes sir, our country has a smaller percentage of skilled workforce as compared to other countries like United Kingdom, Germany, United State of America, Japan & South Korea. The main reason is the small workforce available with formal skill training, andavailability of skilled or unskilled workforce largely through non-formal channels.
The following corrective steps have been taken: -
• Aligning courses as per international standards of National Skill Qualification Frame Work (NSQF).
• Mapping of existing skills, understanding skills gap, imparting necessary remedial measures by re-skilling and up-skilling.
• Imparting training in industry relevant employable skills under various schemes.
• Coverage of new age courses like Internet of Things, Drone Pilot, Geo Informatic Assistant, to keep pace with changing technology and global demand.

State/UTs Enrolled Trained
Andaman and Nicobar Island 1471 1118
Andhra Pradesh 198111 190396
Arunachal Pradesh 17771 15384
Assam 204924 200222
Bihar 319599 311219
Chandigarh 17318 15076
Chhattisgarh 99317 97040
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 3000 3000
Daman and Diu 4764 4402
Delhi 288075 280951
Goa 7073 6380
Gujarat 247841 237137
Haryana 439582 432529
Himachal Pradesh 88620 80201
Jammu and Kashmir 157813 154213
Jharkhand 130418 121845
Karnataka 320676 312690
Kerala 172632 167930
Lakshadweep 90 0
Madhya Pradesh 504116 492585
Maharashtra 751848 684444
Manipur 38869 34221
Meghalaya 22192 21051
Mizoram 13979 13490
Nagaland 12131 10019
Odisha 317371 312485
Puducherry 16943 15924
Punjab 257196 240172
Rajasthan 646739 642081
Sikkim 7690 7152
Tamil Nadu 420347 412402
Telangana 232571 227723
Tripura 41026 39709
Uttar Pradesh 1083536 1059130
Uttarakhand 135978 119039
West Bengal 303606 293105
Total 7,525,233 7256465
As on December, 2019.

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