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(a) & (b): Government of India through CCS National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), an autonomous organization of Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers’ Welfare, has carried out the assessment of the National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) scheme, with report titled Performance Evaluation of e-National Agriculture Market” (October, 2020).
As mentioned in the aforesaid report, as on 15th May, 2020, 1000 wholesale mandis of 18 States and 03 Union Territories (UTs) have been integrated with e-NAM platform. Further it has been mentioned that e-NAM has registered a user base of 1.66 crore farmers, 1012 Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and 1.31 lakh traders on e-NAM platform and 175 commodities including food grains, oilseeds, fruits & vegetables are traded on e-NAM platform. It further mentions that as on 14th May, 2020, farmers have transacted over Rs 1 Lakh crore on the e-NAM platform with a trade volume of 3.43 crore tones of commodities and 38.16 Lakh bamboo and coconuts.
(c): The numbers of cultivators is estimated through decennial Census by office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Government of India. As per last Census data, 2011, the number of cultivators is given as Annexure-I.
(d) & (e): The farmers are free to sell their wholesale produce in any APMC markets. Also APMCs help farmers in registering as sellers in e-NAM. As per registration in the e-NAM portal, more than 1.69 crore farmers as sellers have been registered as farmers. State-wise list of farmers enrolled under e-NAM platform is at Annexure-II.
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