
(a) the details and names of districts covered under the e-district programme, State-wise;

(b) the funds allocated and spent on the e-district mission-mode project project-wise; and

(c) the number of districts proposed to be taken up under the project during 2014-15, State-wise along with the financial outlay envisaged for the same?

Answer given by the minister


(a): All districts of all the states/UTs of India are covered under e-District programme.

(b): The funds allocated and funds utilised state-wise on the e-District mission mode project till 31.01.2014 is as follows:

S. No	State	Funds Allocated	Funds Utilised#	(In Rs. Lakhs)	(In Rs. Lakhs)
1	Andaman & Nicobar	6641.72	0
2	Andhra Pradesh	8842.98	350
3	Arunachal Pradesh	5239.09	0
4	Assam	6032.2	0
5	Bihar	3428.12	0
6	Chandigarh	11561.99	0
7	Chhattisaarh	711334	520
8	Daman and Diu	1923.57	3.2
9	Dadra and Nauar Haveli	7154.81	0
10	Delhi	1206.37	2
11	Goa	4881.28	0
12	Gujarat	7913.18	0
13	Harvana	6749.53	0
14	Himachal Pradesh	17398.38	0
15	Jammu & Kashmir	3245.06	50
16	Jharkhand	4073.08	940
17	Kamataita	1193.72	10
18	Kerala	6143.85	0
19	Lakshadweep	4356J9	0
20	Maharashtra	709.02	412.27
21	Manipur	6154.33	258.18
22	Meghatava	736.05	0
23	Mizoram	961.05	228.26
24	Madhva Pradesh	3213.3	490
25	Naaaland	988.02	120
26	Odisha	6969.02	561.21
27	Puiiucherv	2361.6	40
28	Punjab	6037.57	0
29	Rajasthan	7960.02	120
30	Stkkim	685.9	162.35
31	Tamil Nadu	2460.76	0
32	Tripura	1983.34	116.96
33	Uttar Pradesh	3303.12	0
34	Uttarakhand	1153.98	90
35	West Bengal	1811.79	160	Total	162587.53	4634.43
# Fund utilization is based on the Utilization Certificates received till 31` Jan 2014.

(c): Total number of districts under e-District project which may go live in FY 2014-15 is 200. The number of districts and financial outlay stale-wise is as follows:
S.No	Name of State	No. or districts	Projected Financial Outlay	FY 2014-15 (In Rs. Lakhs)
1	Andaman & Nicobar	3	185.74
2	Andhra Pradesh	0	3596.42
3	Arunachal Pradesh	3	1606.37
4	Assam	10	2493.63
5	Bihar	0	1281.26
6	Chandigarh	1	617.36
7	ChhattisKarh	5	2733.38
8	D&N Haveli	1	332.19
9	Daman & Diu	2	408.86
10	Delhi	11	1212.83
11	GOB	2	422.34
12	Gujarat	19	6807.10
13	Harvana	0	2664.03
14	Himachal Pradesh	9	966.76
15	Jammu & Kashmir	0	2230.45
16	Jharkhand	9	2191.93
17	Karnataka	1	4067.02
18	Kerala	0	1284.06
19	Lakshadweep	1	307.12
20	Madhva Pradesh	0	6852.92
21	Maharashtra	0	2665.47
22	Manipur	9	1156.06
23	MeRhaiava	11	858.10
24	Mizoram	7	1215.81
25	Naealand	8	1326.00
26	Orissa	0	3033.65
27	Puducherv	2	664.79
28	Punjab	20	1829.95
29	Rajasthan	13	2845.76
30	Sikkirn	4	433.76
31	Tamil Nadu	0	3302.58
32	Tripura	10	747.38
33	Uttar Pradesh	27	1200.61
34	Utiarakhand	3	1192.53
35	West Bengal	9	2048.49	Total	200	66782.71