Question : TRAFFIC JAM

(a) whether the Government have taken note of chaotic traffic jams at busiest intersections in Delhi causing numerous problems and delay in reaching one`s destination;

(b) if so, whether the Government propose to provide Solar Power signal lighting on busy inter-sections to reduce traffic jams during signal shut downs on account of power failure;

(c) whether the ever increasing volume of vehicles in Delhi is also one of the many causes of traffic jams; and

(d) if so, the action proposed to be taken by the Government to make the traffic smooth, orderly, disciplined as one sees in Mumbai?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The smooth flow of traffic at some intersections is affected during the peak hours due to high volume of traffic.

(b): Delhi Traffic Police have launched a pilot project under which a solar-powered traffic signal has been provided at one of the busy intersections.

(c): The increase in number of vehicles does put pressure on Delhi roads.

(d): The steps taken by Delhi Traffic Police to ensure smooth flow of traffic include synchronization of traffic signals on important traffic corridors; installation of vehicles actuated traffic signals and online computerized area traffic control system; erection of road signs and painting of road markings; improvisation of traffic management schemes; use of radar guns, interceptors and red speed cameras for checking over-speeding, red light jumping and enforcement of lane discipline; use of alcometer to check driving in a drunken state; analysis of road accidents for identification of their actual cause so as to take remedial measures; creating awareness amongst the commuters of the traffic rules and safety norms; and setting up of traffic training parks for educating school children.