(a) whether the Government has prepared any strategies for the promotion of tourism and development of tourist spots in North Eastern States;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government has formulated/proposes to formulate schemes/programmes to promote hospitality and tourism related education and skill development in the North East Region (NER);

(d) if so, the details thereof along with the funds allocated and expenditure incurred in this regard during the last five years, year-wise;

(e) whether the Government has announced any special package to NER for the development and capacity bui- lding in tourism sector; and

(f) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Development and promotion of tourism is primarily the responsibility of the respective State Governments. However, the Ministry of Tourism pro- vides Central Financial Assistance (CFA) to various State Governments for various tourism projects pri- oritized every year in consultation with them sub- ject to availability of funds, inter-se priority and adherence to the scheme guidelines.

A national mission on Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Augmentation Drive (PRASAD) has been announced in the Union Budget 2014-15 with a view to beautify and improve the amenities and infras- tructure at Pilgrimage centres. Kamakhya in Assam is one of the pilgrimage centres which have been identified under PRASAD. A scheme on Swadesh Darshan has also been initiated. It has been decided to create tourist circuits around specific themes. North-East is one of such theme which has been identified.

10% of the plan allocation of the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India is earmarked for North Eastern States. Of the funds allocated to the Ministry, funds earmarked and spent for North Eastern Region in the last five years and current year (upto 31.12.2014) are as under:

	(Rs. in crore) Year	Plan	10% earmarked	Amount	Percentage %	Allocation	for NE	Released 
2009-10 950.00 95.00 178.61 18.80 2010-11 1000.00 100.00 208.48 20.84 2011-12 1050 105 145.93 13.89 2012-13 950 95 113.72 11.97 2013-14 980 98 149.16 15.22 2014-15 1000 100 86.91 8.69 (upto 31.12.2014)

Further the following initiatives are taken by the Government to promote tourism in North Eastern Region:

(i) Provision of complimentary space to the North Eastern states in India Pavilions set up at major International Travel Fairs and Exhibitions.

(ii) 100% central financial assistance for organizing fairs & festivals is allowed to the North Eastern States.

(iii) Ministry of Tourism, as part of its on-going activities, annually releases print, electronic, online and outdoor media campaigns in the international and domestic markets, under the Incredible India brand-line, to promote various tourism destinations and products of the country, including the lesser known destinations which have tourism potential. The Ministry of Tourism undertakes special campaigns on NE Region on TV channels to promote tourism in the regions.

(iv) International Tourism Mart (ITM) are organized annually with the objective of showcasing the largely untapped tourism potential of North East region in the domestic and international markets.

(v) In addition, a series of promotional activities are undertaken in important and potential tourist generating markets overseas through the Indiatourism Offices abroad with the objective of showcasing Indias tourism potential.

These promotional activities include participation in travel fairs and exhibitions; organizing road shows, Know India seminars & workshops; organizing and suppo- rting Indian food and cultural festivals; publication of brochures; offering joint advertising and brochure support and inviting media personalities, tour operators and opinion makers to visit the country under the Hos- pitality Programmes of the Ministry.

(c) to (f): No specific scheme/programme has been formu- lated for skill development in North East Region. However the following Ministry of Tourism driven programmes are being implemented in the North East Region under the Scheme for Capacity Building of Service Providers (CBSP).

(i) Hunar Se Rozgar Tak Programme in hospitality trades of Food Production, Food & Beverage Service, Housekeeping and Bakery & Patisserie.

(ii) Skill Testing and Certification of existing service providers.

(iii) Programme to impart driving skills.

(iv) Tourism awareness programme for taxi/coach drivers.

No specific budget is earmarked for the North East Region. However, the following expenditures have been incurred on the programmes in the last five years:
 Year	Hunar Se	Skill	Programme	Tourism	Rozgar Tak	Testing	to impart	awareness	and	driving	programme	Certif-	skills	for taxi/	ication	coach drivers 
2009-10 23.45 10.00 2010-11 70.96 14.10 2011-12 148.97 13.71 13.26 2012-13 82.10 25.24 5.61 2013-14 279.96 10.26

The details of funds sanctioned/released in this regard during each of the last five years including the current year under the scheme of Assistance to IHMs/FCIs/IITTM/ NCHMCT etc. are annexure-I.

The list of IHMs already operational and those under construction in the north eastern region are at Annexure-II.

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