(a) the details of the Communities notified under section 2

(c) of the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992;

(b) the details of schemes beingimplemented by the Union Governmentfor the welfare of minorities in the countryand the organisations/institutions identifiedfor the implementation of the schemes, State-wise;

(c) the funds allocated and utilized under the said schemes during each of thelast three years and the current year, schemeand State/UT-wise;

(d) the target fixed and achieved underthe said schemes during the said period,scheme and State/ UT-wise;

(e) whether the Union Governmentmonitors/review the implementation ofthese schemes for the proper utilisation offunds allocated for the said purpose;

(f) if so, the details thereof;

(g) the details of schemes beingimplemented/being contemplated by theUnion Government for providing educationincluding financial assistance to the studentsof the minority communities andemployment to minorities in future; and

(h) the steps being taken by the UnionGovernment for the effectiveimplementation of welfare schemes forminorities in the country with particularreference to improve the condition ofminority women in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) As per SO No. 818 (E), F.No. l/11/93-MC (1) dated 23.10.1993, five communities namely Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists & Zoroastrians (Parsis) have been notified as Minority communities by the Government under Section 2(c) of the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992.

(b)to(g) The following are the schemes which are being implemented by this Ministry for the welfare of notified minorities:-

(i) Multi sectoral Development Programme (MsDP)-Multi-sectoral Development Programme (MsDP) has been implemented in 90 identified Minority Concentration districts (MCDs) of the country from 2008-09 to 2012-13. These districts were identified on the basis of substantial minority population and backwardness parameters as per census 2001. MsDP has been restructured to expand its coverage and make it more effective and focused on the targeted minorities. In the restructured MsDP the unit area of planning has been changed to blocks/towns instead of district for sharper focus on the minority concentration areas. The programme has now identified 710 Bocks & 66 towns for implementation during 12th Plan. Further, clusters of contiguous minority concentration villages (having at least 50% minority population) would also be identified. The State-wise details of infrastructural facilities taken up created under MsDP since its inception upto 30.11.13 is enclosed at annexure-I. The year -wise and State/UT-wise details of fund released/utilised is enclosed at annexure -II.

(ii) Pre-matric Scholarship Scheme- Under this Scheme, scholarships are awarded to minority students up to class X, who have secured not less than 50% marks in the previous final examination and the annual income of their parents/ guardian from all sources does not exceed Rs. 1.00 lakh. 30% of the scholarships are earmarked for girl students. The details are given at annexure-III.

(iii) Post-matric Scholarship Scheme- Under this Scheme, scholarships are awarded to minority students from class XI onwards who have secured not less than 50% marks or equivalent grade in the previous final examination and the annual income of whose parents/ guardian from all sources does not exceed Rs.2.00 lakh. 30% of the scholarships are earmarked for girl students. The details is given at annexure-IV.

(iv) Merit-cum Means based Scholarship- The Merit-cum Means based Scholarship Scheme provides financial assistance to the poor and meritorious minority students pursuing professional studies at graduate and post-graduate levels. 30% of the scholarships are earmarked for girl students. The details is given at annexure-V.

(v) Free Coaching and Allied Scheme- Under this scheme candidates belonging to the minority community are provided financial assistance for coaching in Government and the private sector institutes for imparting free coaching/training for Competitive Exams, Information Technology, remedial coaching and other employment oriented courses. 30% of the scholarships are earmarked for girl students. The details is given at annexure-VI.

(vi) Maulana Azad National Fellowship- The objective of the Fellowship is to provide integrated five year fellowships in the form of financial assistance to minority students to pursue higher studies such as M.Phil and Ph.D. The Fellowship covers all Universities/Institutions recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC). 30% of the scholarships are earmarked for girl students. The details is given at annexure-VII.

(vii) Equity Contribution to National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation (NMDFC)- Under this scheme, Government contributes equity capital to NMDFC for implementation of its schemes at concessional rates of interest which are viz. micro financing scheme, term loan, educational loans, skill development and MahilaSamridhiYojana etc.

(viii) Grant-in-aid to Maulana Azad Education Foundation (MAEF)-Under this scheme, Grant-in-aid released to MAEF towards its Corpus Fund. MAEF implements the Grant-in-aid to the minority institutions for infrastructure development and distribution of scholarship to the minority girl students studying in classes XI and XII. The expenditure on these schemes is met out of the interest earned on the Corpus Fund.

(ix) Computerization of records of State Wakf Boards- In order to streamline record keeping of the waqf lands, introduce transparency and social audit and to computerize the various functions/processes of the Waqf Boards and to develop a single web based centralized application, computerization of the records of the State Waqf Boards is carried out with the help of Central financial assistance.

(x) NaiRoshni-NaiRoshni, the scheme for Leadership Development of Minority Women for their empowerment. The implementation of this scheme started from 2012-13. Under the scheme, one week training programmes are organized through Non-Governmental Organizations on various modules like Banking Systems, Government Schemes, Livelihood Skills, Rights of Women, Health and Hygiene etc. During 2012-13, Rs. 15.00 Crore were earmarked for training of 40,000 women. Out of that, Rs. 10.45 Crore were released to 64 organizations for training of 36,950 women. Further, the proposals which were received late during 2012-13 with recommendations from State Governments were considered during 2013-14, and Rs. 2.81 Crore were released to 36 organizations for training of 12250 women in 12 States. During 2013-14, Rs. 15.00 Crore have been earmarked for training of 40,000 women. The state-wise list of organizations sanctioned and funds released during 2012-13 and 2013-14 are at Annexure –VIII& IX.

(xi) SeekhoaurKamao -Ministry of Minority Affairs has launched “SeekhoaurKamao (Learn and Earn)”,a new 100% Central Sector Scheme for Skill Development of minorities. The scheme aims at upgrading the skills of the minority youths in various modern/traditional vocations depending upon their educational qualification, present economic trends and the market potential, which can earn them a suitable employment or make them suitably skilled to go for self employment . The scheme puts a condition on Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs) to ensure minimum 75% employment of trained youths, out of which 50% should be in organized sector. The target for 2013-14 is to skill 7,500 beneficiaries with an allocation of Rs. 17 crore. A pilot project for 500 minority youths has already been launched in collaboration with IL&FS Skill Development Corporation at 5 (five) locations namely, Delhi, Kolkata (West Bengal), Bengaluru (Karnataka), Barnala (Punjab) and Shillong (Meghalaya). Ministry has already taken action for empanelment of PIAs. NMDFC has also signed an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Maruti Suzuki India Limited (MSIL) on imparting “Driver’s Training to youths belonging to Minority Communities”. The drivers training programme has already been launched in Karnataka during November 2013.

Further, Multi-sectoral Development Plan (MsDP) has also been restructured to the effect that at least 10% of the allocation given to the States, would be earmarked for the skill training related activities of minority youth. The target is to skill 60,000 beneficiaries with an allocation of Rs. 125 crore. During 2013-14, project proposals of Rs. 22.98 crore for skill trainings of 17876 persons have been approved.

(xii) PadhoPardesh - Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Educational Loans for Overseas Studies for the students belonging to the Minority Communities.The objective of the scheme is to award interest subsidy to meritorious students belonging to economically weaker sections of notified minority communities so as to provide them better opportunities for higher education abroad and enhance their employability.

(xiii) Scheme for Support for Minority Students clearing Prelims conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Staff Selection Commission (SSC), State Public Service Commissions etc.- The objective of the Scheme is to provide financial support to the minority candidates clearing prelims conducted by Union Public Service Commission, Staff Selection Commission and State Public Service Commissions to adequately equip them to compete for appointment to Civil Services in the Union and the State Governments and to increase the representation of the minorities in the Civil Services by giving direct financial support to candidates clearing Preliminary Examination of Group A and B. services conducted by UPSC, SSC and State Public Service Commissions (Gazetted and non-Gazetted posts). The rate of financial assistance is Rs. 50,000/- for Gazetted post and Rs.25,000/- for non-Gazetted post, for minority candidates having family income not exceeding Rs.4.50 lakh per annum.The Scheme has been launched in 2013 -14.

(xiv) JiyoParsi-, a new scheme for containing population decline of Parsis in India, has been launched during the current year 2013-14 with the objective to reverse the declining trend of Parsi population by adopting a scientific protocol and structured interventions, to stabilize their population and increase the population of Parsis in India. This Ministry extends financial assistance for outreach programmes/advocacy and fertility treatment as per scheme guidelines. The scheme is implemented by Ministry and Parzor Foundation with the help of Bombay ParsiPanchayet(BPP) and through the Organizations/ Societies/Anjumans and Panchayets of the community concerned in existence for not less than three years.. Financial outlay for 12th Plan is Rs. 10.00 Crore under the scheme. For 2013-14, Rs. 2.00 Crore have been earmarked.

(xv) Strengthening of State Waqf Boards-The JPC in its Ninth Report had recommended that the State Waqf Boards should be given central financial assistance as the present level of assistance provided by the State Governments is not only inadequate but also uneven. The assistance to the State Governments for strengthening their Waqf Boards should result in a more transparent and accountable administration and management of their waqf properties and allow improvement in income generation and attaining self-sufficiency.

This is a Central Sector scheme for administrative and institutional strengthening of the State Waqf Boards. The Central assistance amounting to Rs.32.19 croresis planned to be provided during the 12th Plan period, i.e. during the period the State Waqf Boards are expected to become self- sufficient with surplus income generation. After 12th Plan, no central assistance would be provided and the respective State Governments would have to shoulder the responsibility. The Planning Commission has accorded ‘In-Principle’ approval of the scheme.

(xvi) Establishment of National Wakf Development Corporation-The Central Government proposes to set up National Waqf Development Corporation (NWDC) which would take up development of the commercially viable waqf properties acting as a specialised financial and development institution. These properties, after development, would generate more income which may be used for the welfare of the minority community. The Corporation would be set up as a Joint Stock Company under the Companies Act, 1956 with an authorized share capital of Rs. 500 crores with initial paid up capital of Rs.100 crore only. The Cabinet in its meeting held on 25/11/2013 has approved the proposal for setting up of NWDC.

(xvii) Maulana Azad Medical Aid Scheme- As per the Budget Speech of the Hon’ble Finance Minister a new Scheme named Maulana Azad Medical Aid scheme (MAMAS) is under process of formulation through which an infirmary/resident doctor would be provided to the educational institutions financially assisted by Maulana Azad Education Foundation. Further, financial assistant would also be given to the poor minority patients who are suffering from life threatening diseases. In the current financial year, a sum of Rs. 100 Crore may be allocated to Maulana Azad Education Foundation to initiate the Scheme. Proposal is under submission.

Further this Ministry’s Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programme for welfare of minorities is an overarching programme which covers various schemes of different Ministries/ Departments either by earmarking 15% of physical targets/financial outlays for the minorities or by specific monitoring of flow of benefits/funds to minorities or areas with substantial minority population.

(h) There is a robust mechanism for monitoring the implementation of MsDP. Block Level Committee for MsDP is responsible for monitoring the programme at the block level. The District and State Level Committees for PM’s New 15 PP are responsible to review the progress of implementation of the programme at the district and State levels. Further the Empowered Committee at the centre serves as the oversight committee and monitors the implementation of the programme at the national level. The progress under MsDP is also reviewed on half yearly basis by the Committee of Secretaries (CoS) along with the PM’s New 15 Point Programme. The Committee of Secretaries observations are reviewed by the Union Cabinet on six monthly basis. Monitoring is also done through conferences at the National, Regional, State and District levels as well as through visits of officials to the project sites.

The Scholarship Schemes has been restructured to allow for greater transparency and accountability during processing and sanction. To help evaluation of flow of benefits, disaggregated data for the different minority communities has now been sought from all ministries under the Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programme and the States/UTs have also been requested to provide better and timely feedback. The scholarship schemes are reviewed regularly through interaction with the State Governments at regular intervals and field visits by the Ministry officials. The Online Scholarship Management System (OSMS) was introduced for the Merit-cum-Means scholarship scheme in 2010-11 has now been extended to Post Matric scholarship scheme in 2012-13.

Multimedia campaigns i.e. publicity through electronic and print media are advertised with greater publicity in Minority Concentration Districts for dissemination of information about the Schemes, andfor increasing awareness/coverage among the target beneficiaries of the minorities.