Question : Iron Ore Exports

(a) the total quality of raw goods manufactured from crude iron are imported and the value of finished good manufactured from iron ore exported during each of the last three years;

(b) the reaction of the Government over the export of more crude iron ore as compared to finished goods;

(c) the steps taken by the Government to promote the quality of goods manufactured from iron ore by providing them crude iron ore commensurate with their demand in the country; and

(d) the extent to which the Government has achieved success in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

(a) No such data is maintained by the Government.

(b) Export of iron ore vis-à-vis export of finished goods (steel) during last two years is given below:-

(in million tonnes)
ITEM 2014-15 (PROV.) 2013-14
Iron Ore 7.492 16.301
Finished Steel 5.600 5.990
Source : JPC/DGFT

(c)&(d): Government has issued the following three Quality Control Orders which have facilitated production and import of quality steel as per Indian Standards:-

(i) Steel & Steel Products (Quality Control) Order, 2012
(ii) Steel & Steel Products (Second) (Quality Control) Order, 2012
(iii) Steel & Steel Products (Quality Control) Order, 2015


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