(a) The quantity and value of marine products exported during the last three years:
YEAR Quantity in M T Value in Rs.Crore US $ Million
2012-13 928215 18856.26 3511.67
2013-14 983756 30213.26 5007.70
2014-15 1051243 33441.61 5511.12
2015-16* 410971 14150.61 2220.57
*Provisional April-September 2015.
The Market wise & Item wise export of marine products from India during the last three years are given in Annexure – I.
(b) Yes, USA is the single largest market for marine products with a share of 26.46% in value terms. Export of marine products to USA for the last three years is given below.
Export of Marine Products to USA
Year Quantity in MT Value in Rs. Crore US $ Million
2012-13 92447 4,026.48 747.45
2013-14 110880 7,744.67 1,286.04
2014-15 129667 8,830.12 1,458.24
2015-16* 84005 4596.75 723.04
*Provisional April-September 2015
(c) Yes, import of marine products are subject to import regulations and inspections of US FDA. A foreign facility (plant) is also required to be registered by US FDA under Food Safety Modernisation Act (FSMA). HACCP implementation by the manufacturer is a primary requirement for export of marine products. The main issues faced by the Indian exporters while exporting to USA are Anti Dumping Duty (ADD) on export of Indian Shrimp and Target dumping and zeroing. A detailed note is enclosed as Annexure – II.
(d) The details of Financial Assistance / subsidy provided by Government to the exporters of Marine Foods and Spices is given in Annexure – III & Annexure IV respectively.
(e) India is exporting to 25 African nations. In order to promote Indian seafood export to Africa, the following steps were taken:-
(i) A trade delegation from MPEDA visited Mauritius during 21-24 February 2011 to explore the possibility of increasing export to Maurtius. Delegation stressed on the requirement of joint ventures in fish processing, oceanic fishing & aquaculture between India & Mauritius.
(ii) MPEDA participated in the ‘SAITEX’ fair conducted at South Africa during 21st to 23rd June 2015 at Johannesburg to promote Indian Seafood.
(iii) MPEDA is exploring new markets for marine products in Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon & Chad. MPEDA is also supportive of mounting a trade delegation to these African countries.
(iv) MPEDA has established 3 residue control Laboratories, 19 ELISA labs for primary screening of raw materials and 21 outposts to cater the sampling requirements.
(v) MPEDA also conducts HACCP training programmes for facilitating HACCP implementation by the processing plants.
(vi) Awareness programmes are also conducted by NETFISH and NaCSA to improve quality at primary production level.
(vii) MPEDA is operating various financial assistance schemes for boosting the export of marine food to various countries including the African countries.
Government through the Spices Board is implementing various export development and promotion programmes for boosting the export of spices and spice products to the countries including African countries. The major schemes implemented by the Spices Board are as under:-
(i) support exporters to adopt high tech processing technologies and also to upgrade existing processing facilities for high end value addition.
(ii) Support for quality certification and establishment of in-house labs
(iii) Research on new applications of spices & new product development
(iv) Promotion of Indian Spice Brand abroad
(v) Setting up of infrastructure for common cleaning, grading, processing, packaging, storing facilities (Spices Park) in major spice growing/marketing centres.
(vi) Promotion of organic spices
(vii) Participation in international fairs and exhibitions
(viii) Quality evaluation and control of spices for export.
Annexure - 1
Q: Quantity in M T, V: Value in Rs. Crore, $: US Dollar Million
Item 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Apr-Sept 2015*
Fr. Shrimp
Q: 228620 301435 357505 196248
V: 9706.36 19368.30 22468.12 10320.87
$: 1803.26 3210.94 3709.76 1622.64
Q: 343876 324359 309434 79722
V: 3296.86 4294.81 3778.5 1171.76
$: 617.59 708.63 619.66 181.92
Q: 63296 68577 82353 21499
V: 1354.28 1386.98 1833.21 517.57
$: 251.54 228.13 300.69 80.57
Fr. Squid
Q: 75387 87437 69569 37816
V: 1378.08 1731.97 1275.25 692.57
$: 256.90 284.60 209.84 107.85
Dried items
Q: 72953 67901 70544 9600
V: 819.90 998.00 1010.16 226.43
$: 152.81 167.89 165.52 35.56
Live items
Q: 4373 5080 5488 2145
V: 197.89 281.85 301.51 116.26
$: 36.82 46.70 49.62 18.27
Chilled items
Q: 26868 19755 31404 16100
V: 537.11 527.84 635.93 340.95
$: 99.87 88.48 104.71 53.70
Q: 112841 109212 124947 47840
V: 1565.78 1623.50 2138.94 764.19
$: 292.86 272.34 351.31 120.07
Q: 928215 983756 1051243 410971
V: 18856.26 30213.26 33441.61 14150.61
$: 3511.67 5007.70 5511.12 2220.57
Q: Quantity in Tons, V: Value in Rs. Crores, $: USD Million
Country 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (%) Share %
JAPAN Q: 76648 71484 78772 10.20 7.49
V: 1,999.59 2,463.83 3,040.26 23.40 9.09
$: 372.57 410.95 502.29 22.23 9.11
USA Q: 92447 110880 129667 16.94 12.33
V: 4,026.48 7,744.67 8,830.12 14.02 26.41
$: 747.45 1,286.04 1,458.24 13.39 26.46
EUROPEAN UNION Q: 158357 174686 188031 7.64 17.89
V: 4,176.42 6,129.69 6,715.58 9.56 20.08
$: 777.41 1,013.28 1,106.67 9.22 20.08
CHINA Q: 87776 75783 59519 -21.46 5.66
V: 1,444.86 1,766.72 1,349.00 -23.64 4.03
$: 269.47 293.12 221.44 -24.45 4.02
SOUTH EAST ASIA Q: 340944 380061 409931 7.86 38.99
V: 4,357.28 8,046.59 8,620.85 7.14 25.78
$: 811.80 1,320.95 1,416.82 7.26 25.71
MIDDLE EAST Q: 41419 58040 64608 11.32 6.15
V: 1,113.34 1,599.37 2,020.86 26.35 6.04
$: 209.26 272.65 333.10 22.17 6.04
OTHERS Q: 130623 112823 120716 7.00 11.48
V: 1,738.29 2,462.40 2,864.93 16.35 8.57
$: 323.71 410.71 472.56 15.06 8.58
TOTAL Q: 928215 983756 1051243 6.86 100
V: 18856.26 30213.26 33441.61 10.69 100
$: 3511.67 5007.70 5511.12 10.05 100
Annexure – II.
Main issue faced by Indian Exporters to United States
Based on the representations of Southern Shrimp Producers Alliance, the association of local shrimp producers in USA, the US DOC after its investigation has initiated anti-dumping duty on shrimp imports from India since 2004. They had contended that India was selling shrimp to USA at a price lower than that to any other country. The initial anti dumping duty imposed was 10.17%. This was reviewed subsequently. Every year there is an Administrative Review on the duty to be collected and so far 9 administrative reviews have been conducted. The country average duty applicable to the initial respondents after each review given below:
Administrative Review Country average ADD (%) Review period
1st Administrative Review 7.22 04/08/2004 to 31/01/2006
2nd Administrative Review 1.69 01/02/2006 to 31/01/2007
3rd Administrative Review 0.79 01/02/2007 to 31/01/2008
4th Administrative Review 2.67 01/02/2008 to 31/01/2009
5th Administrative Review 1.69 01/02/2009 to 31/01/2010
6th Administrative Review 2.51 01.02.2010 to 31.01.2011
7th Administrative Review 3.49 01.02.2011 to 31.01.2012
8th Administrative Review 2.49 01.02.2012 to 31.01.2013
9th Administrative Review 2.96 01.02.2013 to 31.01.2014
The USITC after its Sunset Review voted to continue ADD for another 5 years.
Targeted dumping and zeroing:
US DOC started using the process of targeted dumping analysis by following the Alternative comparison methodology and applying the process of zeroing during the 7thand 8th administrative reviews, due to which the dumping margin was imposed to the mandatory respondents and other un-reviewed respondents as follows.
AR Period Margin for mandatory respondents Margin for others
AR 8 1.97 & 3.01% 2.49%
AR 9 2.63 & 3.28% 2.96%
This would have been significantly low or even zero, if the targeted dumping measures and zeroing were not introduced in the above mentioned AR’ s.
Annexure - III
Details of Assistance/Subsidy provided by MPEDA
2013-14 2014-15
Name Of Scheme Amount Of
Assistance No. Of
Beneficiaries Amount Of
Assistance No. Of
Sea Freight Assistance 636.04 69 789.45 66
Developmental Assistance For Ornamental Fishes 17.96 8 17.62 5
Group Insurance Scheme 10.81 21631 6.93 13866
Installation Of Insulated Fish Hold And Ice Making Machine 95.93 131 117.71 248
Assistance For Conversion Of Existing Fishing Vessel To Tuna Long Liners 83.48 33 0 0
Technology Up gradation Scheme For Marine Products 736.94 9 1066.44 15
Setting Up Of Large Cold Storages (Lcs) 247.33 9 255.43 13
Acquisition Of Refrigeration Trucks/Containers 3.5 1 3.5 1
Creation Of Basic Facilities (New) For Chilled Fish/ Chilled Tuna 0 0 17.14 2
Insulated Fish Boxes 32.86 1114 33.24 544
Setting Up Of Modern Ice Plants 8.35 1 0 0
Quality Control (Pre Processing & Mini Lab) 59.598 16 67.2 17
Establishment Of Hatchery 12 2 30 5
New Farm Development 65.42 136 112.15 122
Effluent Treatment System 18.87 14 12 8
PCR Labs 35.38 10 27.43 8
Aqua Farmers Societies 18 9 11.5 8
Establishment Of Nursery 0 0 6.16 3
Traditional Farms/ Padasekharams 2.45 1 0 0
Organic Aqua Farming 24.18 102 5.01 13
Ornamental Fish Breeding Units. 248.11 64 201.64 45
Extension 2.5 20.03
Total 2359.70 23360 2800.58 14988
Annexure IV
Statement with regard to assistance/subsidy provided by the Government to the exporter of Spices:
Component Scale of assistance
Infrastructure Development 33% of the cost of infrastructure development for export excluding land and buildings, subject to maximum of 100 lakh for general areas and 50% of the cost or Rs. 200 lakh for NE Region and special areas.
Trade Promotion Up to Rs. 50,000 per exporter per year for sending business samples abroad
Product Development & Research 50% of the cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 25 lakh per beneficiary during the Plan period.
Spice Processing in NE Region 33% of the cost of all types of processing facilities subject to a maximum of Rs. 50 lakhs per beneficiary during the Plan period.
Market Study Abroad 100% of the cost is met from Board’s budget.
Promotion of Indian spice brands Interest free loan covering 100% of slotting/listing free and promotional measures for the first year and 100% of all promotional measures will be given by the Board.
Participation in International Fairs/Meetings/Seminars/Training Reimburse 50% of the airfare (economy excursion class) subject to a maximum of Rs. 60000/- for Indian Spices Logo/Spice House Certificate holders and Rs. 40000/- for holders of regd. Brand and Organic certificate per exporter per year.
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