Question : Human Resources for Occupational Health Professionals

(a) the details of trained occupational health professionals, including occupational physicians, industrial hygienists, occupational nurses and safety specialists, State-wise and domain-wise;
(b) whether the Government provides research and training in occupational health, if so, the details of institutes providing such
training and the year-wise number of professionals receiving such training during the last three years, State-wise;
(c) whether there is a shortage of occupational health professional nationally, if so, the reasons therefor and the steps taken by the Government therein; and
(d) whether the Government plans to train occupational health professionals through PPP and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): State-wise compiled information received from Chief Inspector of Factories in respect of Certifying Surgeons, Safety Officers & Welfare Officers for the year 2013 is given in Annexure-IA; Annexure-IB & Annexure-IC respectively. The specific State-wise details in respect of occupational physicians, industrial hygienists, and occupational nurses are not maintained.
(b): Directorate General Factories Advice Service and Labour Institutes (DGFASLI) through its Institutes at Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Kanpur and Faridabad conducts regular training program for Safety Officer, Medical Officer, Certifying Surgeons, Nurses and Par-medical Staff, Supervisors from factories in the field of safety and health. The other government organisations which conduct research and training in occupational health are:-

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I. National Institute of Occupational Health,
II. Indian Institute of Hygiene & Public Health,
iii. Employee''s State Insurance Corporation,
Iv. Directorate General of Mines Safety.

(c): State wise data compiled in respect of required number of Certifying Surgeons, Safety Officers & Welfare Officers for the year 2013 and the personnel in position is given in Annexure-IA, IB and IC. The data pertaining to other health professionals is not maintained.
DGFASLI through its institutes are conducting regular training programs for making available the trained OSH professionals, Medical Officers, nurses, para-medical staff etc. DGFASLI is also conducting three months course for medical doctors i.e. “Associate Fellow of Industrial Health” at Mumbai and Faridabad and such courses are also conducted by ten other institutes recognized by DGFASLI. DGFASLI has also granted recognition to various private institutes for carrying out one month certificate course for supervisors to be employed in the hazardous process industries.
DGFASLI also conducts one year "Advance Diploma Course in Industrial Safety". Specialized training programmes are conducted for identified target groups such as Senior Managers, Safety Officers, Factory Medical Officers, Supervisors, Trade Union Officials and Safety Committee members from Industry. Basic course (for inspectors of factories who are freshly recruited) is conducted to impart technical knowledge and skills in the field of safety and health. In view of the need for inspection of specific industries and Major Accident Hazards units, specialized courses are also conducted for senior inspectors.

(d): There is no plan at present to train occupational health professionals through PPP.

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