(a) the quantum and value of marine products/ seafoods exported and imported during each of the last three years and the current year, country and product/item-wise;

(b) the share of India in the world in export of marine products/seafoods alongwith the share of various States in the country`s export, State/ UT-wise;

(c) the incentives/facilities provided to the exporters of such products;

(d) whether there is decline in export of such products during the last few years and if so, the reasons therefor; and

(e) the measures taken/being taken by the Government to boost export of such products as well as safeguard the interests of exporters in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The quantity and value of marine products/sea food exported and imported during the last three years and the current year is as under:

Year EXPORTS@ IMPORTS Quantity Value Quantity Value (in tons) (in Rs. crore) (in tons) (in Rs. crore) 2011-12 862021 16597.23 27876.15 497.67 2012-13 928215 18856.26 22304.76 372.76 2013-14 983756 30213.26 17886.34 274.39 2014-15 875473 28072.41 5941.37 104.70 (upto Jan- (upto Au- uary, 2015) gust, 2014)
@ Source :MPEDA Source : DGCI&S, Kolkata
The details of country-wise and product-wise exports are at Annexure-I.

(b) As reported by Marine Products Exports Development Authority (MPEDA), the share of India in the World’s marine products export is around 4%. The percentage share of top five marine products exporting States/UTs in terms of value in Indian rupees is as under:-
S.No. States Percentage Share 1 Andhra Pradesh 20.95 2 Tamil Nadu 16.68 3 Kerala 15.61 4 Maharashtra 13.74 5 Gujarat 10.23 6 Others 22.79 Total 100.00
(c) to (e) There was no decline in the exports of marine products during the last few years. To boost the marine products exports and make Indian seafood products competitive, Government of India, through MPEDA, is implementing variety of assistance Schemes, some of which are as under:-

i) Capture Fisheries - for promotion of fishing of Tuna and other under exploited resources, providing interest subsidy for the construction of new tuna long liners and Assistance to fishermen for better pre- servation of catch.

ii) Processing Infrastructure & Value Addition – providing subsidy for acquisition of machinery for tuna cannery / processing of value added tuna product, financial support for acquisition of Refri- gerated Truck / Containers and setting up Large Cold Storages, etc.

iii) Culture Fisheries – providing subsidy for new farm development, small and medium-scale hatcheries, setting up of PCR labs in hatcheries/ Pvt. Lab, assistance for farmers for undertaking organic farming of shrimp and scampi, etc.

iv) Market Promotion – providing development assistance for export of Ornamental/Aquarium Fishes/Live Aquarium Plants, Sea Freight Assistance, and insurance scheme for workers in Seafood processing units, etc.

v) Quality Control – providing assistance to sea- food processors for construction / renovation of captive pre-processing center with upgraded facilities, for setting up of Mini Laboratory, etc.