Question : Consolidation of Pension

(a) whether the Government proposes to allow consolidation of pension of retired Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees of Major Port Trusts in the country;
(b) if so, the details and the salient features thereof;
(c) the number of employees likely to be benefitted as a result thereof, Port-wise;
(d) the details of financial implications involved therein; and
(e) the time by which the said decision is likely to be implemented?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b):The Government has allowed consolidation of pension of Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ retirees of Major Port Trusts and Dock Labour Board, subject to:

i) The pension of retirees prior to 01/01/2007 will be recast as per formula given in Wage Settlement dated 19/1/2010 by revising the fitment benefit to 30% instead of 23% notionally and effectively from 01/01/2012.
ii) The pensioners would be entitled to arrears of pension from 01/01/2012 only.
iii) No commutation benefit would be admissible on additional amount of pension accruing as a result of this benefit.
iv) Group C & D employees retired between 01-01-2007 and 31-12-2011 will also be extended the benefit extended to retirees prior to 01-01-2007 by enhancing their basic pension of 5.69% (7*100/123). The benefit of 5.69% shall be treated for calculation of dearness relief only.
v) Expenditure will have to be borne by the Ports from their internal resources.
vi) The implementation of the proposed consolidation of pension will be done by the Ports after obtaining the approval of their respective Boards.

(c): The number of port-wise employees to be benefitted is estimated as under:
Name of the Port No. employees to be benefitted
Mormugao Port Trust 3783
New Mangalore Port Trust 1137
VOC Port Trust 2435
Mumbai Port Trust 28077
Kolkata Port Trust 23760
Kandla Port Trust 3300
Cochin Port Trust 5777
Visakhapatnam Port Trust 11526
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust 85
Paradip Port Trust 1899
Chennai Port Trust 11694
Total 93473

(d)&(e):The financial implications (including arrears) will be around Rs. 536.00 crores. This benefit will arise after the approval of the Board of Trustees thereto is obtained by the respective Major Port Trusts.


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