Question : New Norms of UGC on ad-hoc Teachers

(a) the details of the vacant posts, both teaching and non-teaching, in various Central
Universities of the country and the steps being taken by the Government for making
regular appointment on such posts along with the reasons for delay in filling up of these
(b) the response of the Academic Council of the University of Delhi to the new norms of
the University Grants Commission regarding the Ad-hoc teachers employed in the Delhi
University for last many years;
(c) whether the Government is aware that the ad-hoc teachers are apprehended to become
deprived of permanent jobs in case the norms of the UGC are implemented; and
(d) if so, the details thereof and the steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

(a) : The statements indicating the sanctioned, existing and vacant position of teaching and
non-teaching staff in Central Universities (CUs) under the purview of the Ministry of Human
Resource Development are annexed at Annexure-I & Annexure-II respectively. The incidence
and filling up of vacancies in CUs is an ongoing and continuous process. It is pertinent to
mention here that the onus of filling up of posts, including those belonging to reserved
category lies in the Central Universities which are autonomous bodies created under the
respective Acts of Parliament.
Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and UGC have written many times to the CUs to
fill up the vacancies and also continuously monitor it with them. It was discussed in meetings with
Vice Chancellors of Central Universities on 18th February, 2016 and 6th October, 2016. Filling up of
teaching positions was also discussed in the Conference of Vice-Chancellors of the Central
Universities held on 4th – 5th February, 2015, Visitor’s Conferences on 4th -6th November, 2015 and
16th-18th November, 2016 which were chaired by the Hon’ble President. All Vice Chancellors of
Central Universities have agreed to fill up the vacant teaching posts on priority basis. Besides above,
the following steps have also been taken to fill up the vacancies:
(i) There is no ban on filling up of teaching posts. UGC Regulations on Minimum
Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and Other Academic Staff in Universities and
Colleges and Measures for the maintenance of standards in Higher Education 2010 envisages
that all the sanctioned / approved posts in the university system shall be filled up on an urgent
(ii) 5 Visitor’s nominees provided to all Central Universities for Selection Committees of
teachers in order to expedite the recruitment process.
(iii) In order to meet the situation arising out of shortage of teachers in universities and the
consequent vacant positions, the age of superannuation for teachers in Central Educational
Institutions has already been enhanced to sixty five years.
(iv) Teachers can also be re-employed on contract appointment beyond the age of sixty five
years upto the age of seventy years, subject to availability of vacant positions and fitness.
(v) UGC initiated a scheme called Operation Faculty Recharge for augmenting the
research and teaching resources of universities to tackle the shortage of faculty in university
(vi) UGC also framed the guidelines for empanelment of Adjunct Faculty in Universities
and Colleges. These guidelines enable higher educational institutions to access the eminent
teachers and researchers who have completed their formal association with the
University/College, to participate in teaching, to collaborate and to stimulate research
activities for quality research at M. Phil and Ph.D. levels; and to play mentoring and
inspirational role.
(b) to (d): In the meeting held on 19.12.2016, the Academic Council of the Delhi
University considered the 3rd and 4th amendments of Gazette notifications issued by UGC on
4th May, 2016 and 11th July, 2016, respectively, regarding appointment and promotion of the
teachers and other academic staff and recommended adoption of these amendments to the
Executive Council of the University. The Executive Council, in its meeting held on
31.12.2016, accepted the recommendation of the Academic Council and resolved to carry out
consequential amendments in the relevant Ordinances of the University.
As per the extant recruitment rules of the Delhi University for the teaching positions, the adhoc
teachers working in the Delhi University are not enjoying permanent status. Therefore, the
question of their being deprived of permanent position, in the process of the implementation of
the UGC regulations along with its amendments, does not arise.

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