(a) the details of the steps taken by the Government to undertake research and development works and develop new range of crops in order to increase the agricultural production and minimize the loss in agricultural productivity;

(b) the details of the projects being run/implemented under the auspice of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research in various States including Karnataka and Telangana during the last three years and the current year;

(c) the achievement made by these research institutions/organisations to increase agricultural production in the country;

(d) whether the Government is aware that there is a shortage of agricultural scientists in these research institutes and a large number of posts of agricultural scientists are lying vacant for several years in various States including Telangana; and

(e) if so, the steps taken by the Government to fill up these vacant posts?

Answer given by the minister


(a) In order to increase the agricultural production and minimize the loss in agricultural productivity, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has strengthened, re-structured and prioritized research and development programmes in rice, wheat, maize, millets, fodder crops, oilseeds, pulses, sugarcane, cotton, fiber and horticultural crops. These research programmes have been undertaken by research institutes and All India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRPs)/ All India Network Projects (AINPs), mostly located in various State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) to develop location specific crop varieties and matching technologies as per the agro-ecological needs. Emphasis has been given for development of new crop varieties/hybrids with improved quality and tolerance /resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and making crops able to withstand the weather extremities. Targeted integration of economically important genes through structural and functional genomics/molecular breeding have been strengthened. Research and development activities for mechanization of farm operations to reduce the cost of production and post-harvest losses in agriculture have been given due emphasis. For enhancing input use efficiency in crops, emphasis is given to precision agriculture techniques and use of Nano-technology.

(b) The research programmes under the auspice of ICAR are undertaken through 99 Plan schemes comprising of Research Institutes, Project Directorates, National Research Centres, Research Complexes, Bureaus and 77 AICRPs/AINPs in various States, including Karnataka and Telangana during the last three years and the current year.

(c) The efforts of ICAR and SAUs have resulted in the release of 295 high yielding varieties/hybrids of different crops that have fair degree of tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses during last three years (2011-2013). So far, a total of 1,596 high yielding varieties and hybrids of horticultural crops have also been released, as a result the horticultural production has increased significantly. Micro-propagation in banana; pheromone technology for management of fruit fly in mango, guava, vegetable crops; protected cultivation technology in vegetable crops; novel value added products have revolutionized horticulture based industry. Cost effective water harvesting techniques, in situ soil & water conservation measures, resource conservation technologies, soil reclamation/ amelioration measures, and technologies for mulching, vermicomposting, biofertilizers production, integrated soil-water-nutrient management, integrated farming system and simple farm tools and implements to increase agriculture production have been developed.

(d) & (e): Presently, 5727 Agricultural Scientists are working in different capacities in ICAR and its institutes, including those in Telangana against the total scientific cadre strength of 6313. Efforts are made on a continuing basis to fill vacant posts.

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