(a) whether funds allocated under MPLADS during 2004-05 have been disbursed to all the districts of Madhya Pradesh;

(b) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;

(c) the funds actually disbursed to the districts, State-wise;

(d) the names of Members whose funds have not been utilised so far; and

(e) the time by which the remaining funds are likely to be disbursed?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b) During 2004-05, Rs. 80 crore were allocated, out of which Rs. 69 crore have been released to the district authorities of Madhya Pradesh and Rs. 11 crore remain to be released as and when the eligible criteria laid down under the Guidelines on MPLADS, are fulfilled.

(c) to (e) State wise details are given in the Annexure. Nodal District/Constituency wise details are available in the monthly report for the period ending 30.06.2005. A copy has been supplied to the Parliament Library and the same is also available on the website (

The implementation of the MPLADS is continuous and funds are allocated are non lapsable. The eligible works are recommended by MPs for which funds are released by the District authorities to the implementing agencies. The details of unspent balance as on 30.06.2005 as reported by the District authorities has been given in the monthly report, a copy of which has been kept in the Parliament Library and on the website of this Ministry.

The entitled funds of the MPs concerned will be released on the basis of fulfilling the eligibility criteria.

Annexure to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1534


Sl. STATE	Released	Amount Amount %Sancti- Expenditure % Unspent
No.	by G.O.I	available Sanctioned oned Incurred Utilisation Balance	with Nodal (Rs. Crore) over (Rs. Crore) over release	District with Release	Interest etc. (Rs.Crore)	(Rs.Crore)	(Rs. Crore)
1 Nominated 192.05 194.22 169.43 88.22 148.01 77.07 46.21 2 Andhra Pradesh 1115.95 1137.02 1087.29 97.43 966.00 86.56 171.02 3 Arunachal Pr. 57.15 57.84 53.65 93.88 53.63 93.84 4.22 4 Assam 397.55 405.52 366.82 92.27 350.05 88.05 55.48 5 Bihar 1005.35 1020.11 939.53 93.45 856.35 85.18 163.76 6 Goa 51.15 53.66 55.88 109.24 46.47 90.84 7.20 7 Gujarat 644.35 659.94 637.95 99.01 571.86 88.75 88.08 8 Haryana 274.25 278.30 251.35 91.65 234.93 85.66 43.37 9 Himachal Pr. 125.30 127.46 117.19 93.53 112.03 89.41 15.44 10 Jammu & Kashmir 142.50 145.31 136.95 96.10 112.59 79.01 32.72 11 Karnataka 727.00 744.74 710.78 97.77 662.92 91.19 81.82 12 Kerala 477.95 502.63 507.36 106.15 414.88 86.80 87.75 13 Madhya pradesh 752.60 765.68 706.51 93.88 664.40 88.28 101.28 14 Maharashtra 1182.75 1224.54 1194.70 101.01 1042.65 88.15 181.89 15 Manipur 57.15 57.58 53.81 94.16 48.64 85.12 8.93 16 Meghalaya 53.15 53.69 49.47 93.08 49.47 93.08 4.22 17 Mizoram 38.10 38.30 36.06 94.64 36.11 94.77 2.20 18 Nagaland 38.10 38.18 33.10 86.88 33.10 86.88 5.08 19 Orissa 565.00 573.33 521.43 92.29 471.52 83.45 101.81 20 Punjab 357.55 363.69 339.12 94.85 299.71 83.82 63.98 21 Rajasthan 646.25 654.55 610.27 94.43 566.38 87.64 88.18 22 Sikkim 38.10 38.63 36.12 94.80 32.37 84.96 6.26 23 Tamil Nadu 1067.35 1090.65 1029.52 96.46 998.55 93.55 92.10 24 Tripura 56.15 56.37 53.17 94.69 47.99 85.47 8.38 25 Uttar Pradesh 2067.70 2091.35 1890.87 91.45 1794.28 86.78 297.06 26 West Bengal 933.35 955.76 923.40 98.93 805.71 86.32 150.05 27 A & N Islands 19.05 19.50 17.12 89.88 17.42 91.46 2.08 28 Chandigarh 19.05 19.54 17.50 91.84 17.30 90.82 2.24 29 D & N Haveli 17.05 17.61 16.38 96.05 15.76 92.43 1.85 30 Daman & Diu 19.05 19.20 17.52 91.96 16.58 87.04 2.62 31 Delhi 157.95 162.19 155.19 98.25 134.51 85.16 27.68 32 Lakshdweep 15.05 16.37 12.47 82.83 11.26 74.84 5.11 33 Pondicherry 33.10 35.71 36.12 109.12 27.76 83.87 7.95 34 Chhattisgarh 280.65 284.29 261.53 93.19 250.20 89.15 34.09 35 Uttaranchal 131.25 132.90 117.78 89.74 108.19 82.43 24.71 36 Jharkhand 302.75 307.53 283.64 93.69 263.66 87.09 43.86
Total : 14058.80 14343.91 13446.99 95.65 12283.26 87.37 2060.65