Question : VOTER LIST

(a) the number of eligible citizens who are not registered to vote, State-wise including Uttar Pradesh;

(b) the number of registered voters who have registrations in more than one State;

(c) the number of deceased individuals who are still listed as voters, State- wise including Uttar Pradesh; and

(d) the measures being undertaken by the Government to upgrade the Voter Registration Systems and clean up the Voter List?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The Election Commission has stated that it is not possible to give the exact number of eligible citizens not registered in the electoral roll.

Article 326 of the Constitution provides that every citizen of India who is not less than eighteen years of age on a qualifying date fixed by law (1st January of the year) and who is otherwise not disqualified under the Constitution or any law made by appropriate legislature on the ground of non-residence, unsoundness of mind, crime or corrupt or illegal practice shall be entitled to be registered as a voter at an election to the House of the People or to the Legislative Assembly of a State. Pursuant to the above constitutional provisions,-the Representation of the People Act, 1950 and the rules made thereunder makes detailed provisions for enrolment of eligible electors in the constituencies in which they are ordinarily resident.

Under the said provisions, only an applicant who is not disqualified for registration and fulfils condition of registration are enrolled as an elector if he/she makes an application in the prescribed Form along with necessary supporting documents such as proof of age and ordinary residence before the Electoral Registration Officer( ERO) of the concerned constituency and the ERO after making necessary enquiry/hearing and after satisfying himself, passes an order for his /her enrolment in the electoral roll.

(b): Under section 17 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950, no person shall be entitled to be registered in the electoral roll for more than one constituency. In Para IV of Form 6, the claimant/applicant has to give a declaration that his name has not already been included in electoral roll in this or other Assembly Constituency or if his name has been included elsewhere, the same may be deleted from that electoral roll. Accordingly, the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) takes necessary action.

(c): The Election Commission conducts summary revision every year during which list of names of all dead voters in a polling station is prepared by the concerned Booth Level Officer (BLO). Besides the EROs obtain lists of dead persons from Registrar of Births and Deaths two times in a year and the lists are supplied to the BLOs for making field verification. On the basis of BLOs reports, ERO deletes such names after following due procedure. In summary revision of the electoral rolls with reference to 01.01.2013 as the qualifying date, 36,62,333 entries of deceased electors have been deleted throughout the country. A Statement of State-wise deletions of names of deceased electors is Attached as Annexure-I. It may be seen that 1, 13,030 names of deceased electors have been deleted in the State of Uttar Pradesh during 2013 summary revision.

(d): The superintendence, direction and control of the preparation and revision of electoral rolls for elections to the House of the People and the State Legislative Assemblies are the functions entrusted to the Election Commission under article 324(1) of the Constitution. The Election Commission takes every possible step to keep the rolls revised, updated and error free. Some of them are given in Annexure-II.