(a) the number of times Indian External Affairs Minister and Pakistan`s External Affairs Minister, Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary met during the last three years and the current year;

(b) the details of the issues discussed during such meetings; and

(c) the possibilities regarding settlement of mutual problems?

Answer given by the minister


(a) High Level interactions between India and Pakistan


(i) External Affairs Minister (EAM) visited Pakistan on January 13-14, 2007.

(ii) Visit of Pakistan Foreign Minister Kasuri to New Delhi to attend the 5th India- Pakistan Joint Commission Meeting in February, 2007.

(iii) The meeting of the Foreign Secretaries to start the 4th round of Composite Dialogue took place in Islamabad on March 13-14, 2007.

(iv) Prime Minister of Pakistan Shaukat Aziz visited India for the 14th SAARC Summit on April 3-4, 2007.

(v) Pakistan Foreign Minister Inamul Haq visited India to attend 29th Session of the SAARC Council of Ministers, New Delhi during December 7-8, 2007.


(vi) & (vii) Prime Minister met Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Yousuf Raza Gilani in Colombo on August 2, 2008 on the sidelines of SAARC Summit and also in Beijing on October 24, 2008 on the sidelines of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) summit.

(viii) Prime Minister met President of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali Zardari on the sidelines of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting in New York on September 24, 2008.

(ix) External Affairs Minister (EAM) visited Pakistan on May 20-21, 2008. Mr. Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan visited New Delhi on June 27, 2008 and again on November 26-29, 2008.


(x) PM met President Zardari on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization-Brazil, Russia, India, China (SCO-BRIC) summit in Yekaterinburg on June 16, 2009.

(xi) Prime Minister met PM Gilani in Sharm-el-Sheikh on July 16, 2009 on the sidelines of Non Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit.

(xii) EAM and Foreign Secretary (FS) met their Pakistani counterparts in the last week of September, 2009 at the margins of UNGA meeting in New York.

(xiii) EAM met Pakistan Foreign Minister on the sidelines of G-8 Outreach meeting on June 26, 2009 in Trieste (Italy).


(xiv) Foreign Secretary level talks between India and Pakistan were held on February 25, 2010 in New Delhi.

(xv) Prime Minister met the Prime Minister of Pakistan on the sidelines of SAARC Summit in Bhutan in April 2010.

(xvi) Foreign Secretary held discussions with Pakistan Foreign Secretary on June 24, 2010 in Islamabad to prepare for the visit of EAM on July 15, 2010 to Islamabad.

(xvii) EAM visited Islamabad on July 15, 2010.

(b) & (c) These meetings were aimed at reviewing India’s bilateral relationship with Pakistan and to build trust and confidence between the two countries. India has advocated a step-by- step, graduated and forward looking approach to expanding dialogue to cover all issues of mutual interest and concern.