Question : Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture

(a) the measures taken for post harvest management and marketing of horticulture produce under the Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture;

(b) whether the Government has partnered with any private agencies to facilitate processing and marketing of the horticulture produce, the details thereof;

(c) the major horticulture products grown and marketed in Rajasthan;

(d) the revenue earned by farmers due to horticulture during the last three years, the details thereof, State-wise; and

(e) whether the National Horticulture Mission has led to increase in employment, the details thereof, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


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(a): Under “Integrated Post Harvest Management” component of Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) scheme, financial assistance is provided for setting up of Pack houses, Pre-cooling units, Staging cold rooms, Cold Storage units, Refrigerated Transport vehicles, Primary processing units, Ripening chambers, etc. for post harvest management of the horticulture produce. The component is demand/entrepreneur driven for which Government assistance in the form of credit linked back ended subsidy is provided at the rate of 35% to 55% of eligible project cost for both public and private sector enterprises.

Under “Establishing of Marketing Infrastructure for Horticulture Produce” component of MIDH, financial assistance is also provided for setting up of Terminal market, Wholesale markets, Rural markets, Retail markets, Mobile vending carts etc. for marketing of the horticulture produce. The component is demand/ entrepreneur driven for which Government assistance in the form of credit linked back ended subsidy is provided at the rate of 25% to 55% of eligible project cost for both public and private sector enterprises.

(b): No Sir.

(c): As reported by Government of Rajasthan, major horticulture crops grown and marketed in Rajasthan are as under:

• Fruits: Anola, Ber, Guava, Kinnow, Lime, Mango, Mosambi, Orange, Papaya, Pomegranate

• Vegetables: Brinjal, Cole Crops, Cucurbits, Musk melon, Okra, Onion, Pea, Potato, Tomato, Water melon

• Spices: Ajwain, Chili, Coriander, Cumin, Fennel, Fenugreek, Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric

• Flower: Marigold, Rose

• Medicinal & Aromatic: Ashwagandha, Isabgol, Mehandi, Sonamukhi

(d): Information regarding revenue earned by farmers due to horticulture is not maintained Centrally as the scheme is being implemented by State Governments.

(e): Information regarding employment generation under National Horticulture Mission is not maintained Centrally as the scheme is being implemented by State Governments.


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