Question : Use of Dangerous Chemical and Pesticides

(a) whether the Government is aware of the fact that fertilizers and pesticides used for increasing agricultural productivity are dangerous and harmful and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether the Government is considering to discontinue the use of dangerous chemicals and pesticides;

(c) if so, the details thereof; and

(d) the steps taken by the Government to check the use of such dangerous chemicals and pesticides?

Answer given by the minister


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(a) to (d): Pesticides are toxic substances but they do not pose any adverse effect on human beings, animals and the environment if they are used as per the label and leaflet approved by the Registration Committee. Pesticides are registered for use in the country by the Registration Committee only after satisfying about their efficacy and safety to human health, animal and environment.

There is no harmful effect of fertilizers applied in a balanced judicious manner. Government has been recommending soil health test based use of chemical fertilizers, bio-fertilizers and locally available organic manures like Farm Yard Manure, compost, Vermi compost and Green Manure etc. to maintain soil health and its productivity.

However, with regard to the safety and efficacy, registered Pesticides are periodically reviewed. On receipt of new studies / reports/ references/ information by government from time to time, the review of is done by appointing expert committees. Based on the recommendations of such expert committees and after due consultation with Registration

Committee, the Ministry of Agriculture has so far banned 40 pesticides and 4 pesticide formulations for import, manufacture or sale in the country. In addition, 5 banned pesticides are allowed to be manufactured for export only and 8 pesticide registrations have been withdrawn, 9 pesticides have been placed under Restricted use. In addition, 6 pesticides shall be phased out by 31st December 2020.

Government is promoting balance use of fertilizers through various schemes viz. Soil Health Card, Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna (PKVY) and Mission Organic value chain Development of North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER).


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