(a) the crieteria for granting funds under Technology Developemnt Extension and Training (TDET) for wasteland development;

(b) the State-wise number of projects being implemented under TDET during the last three years;

(c) the details of funds released under TDET during the last three yaers State-wise;

(d) whether the government has received proposals under TDET during the current year?

(e) if so, the details thereof Stae-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) TDET is implemented for promotion of research/operation research and extension projects on a pilot basis that contibute to watelands development in the country. These pilot projects are generally being implemented through ICAR Institutes, State Agriculture Universities and Government Institutions having adequate institutional framework and organizational backup for implementation of such action research projects. The following are the general criteria for sanction of TDET projects.

(i) 100% grant is admissible to implement projects on wastelands in piblic domain such as those owned by Goverment, Public Sector Undertakings, Universities, Panchayats, etc. In case the projects include certain components that lead to the development of wastelands owned by private framers/corporate bodies, 40% of the expenditures on such private lands is required to be shared by the beneficiaries.

(ii) Overhead costs should not ordinarily exceed 20% of the project cost.

(iii) No brick and mortar structures (permanent structures) and costly equipment would be supported.

(iv) Recruitment of permanent staff under the project is not permitted.

(v) Training of project beneficiaries and functionaries for easy adoption of land use technologies being propagated through the project should be an integral part of the project.

(vi) The duration of the project would ordinarily be 3 to 5 years.

Unlike other rural development programmes, TDET is a demand driven scheme, wherein suitable pilot project proposals are invited, on the basis of need, from appropriate R&D institutions and /or directly submitted by potential implementating agences. These proposals are considered and approved by a project Sanctioning Committee (PSC).

(b) State-wise number of projects being implemented under TDET during the last three years is given in Annexure-I.

(c) Funds released State-wise, under TDET during the last three are given at Annexure-II.

(d)&(e) Yes, Sir. During 2007-08, 15 new projects conforming to the TDET guidelines have been sanctioned in the States of Gujarat(1), Karnataka(2) Maharashtra (3), Uttar Pradesh(2), west bengal(1), and to other autonomous organizations-IIT-Delhi, NRD- Hyderabad and Society for promotion of wastelands development - Delhi(6).